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    The Master School – (Chapter: 1)


    "Uh…no thanks I am fine with my fuck and leave strategy," I said taking a sip from my beer, "I don’t do relationships anymore…you know that…" The boys looked a little guilty.


    "Yeah we know babe but you shouldn’t let that whole ‘heart break’ thing get you down!" Dave said ignoring my statement.


    "Yeah you need to get back on that horse!"


    "Live a little!" I chuckled. Thinking a bit I finally gave in to the smiling encouraging boys.


    "Fine!" I caved, "All right what do you two trouble makers have in mind?" I asked looking from one to the other.


    "Well…" Dave said his eyes twinkling and he shifted his feet a little, a sure sign that he is up to something.


    "It is the new year…" Darren said twiddling his thumbs; a sure sign that he is up to something.


    "And that means…"


    "New girls!" Darren finished enthusiastically rubbing his hands together a smile playing across his face. I laughed out loud which caused Juliet to open the door and poke her head out.


    "Was that Spencer Carlin’s laugh I heard? A genuine, non-sarcastic laugh?" The apocalypse must be nearing!" I laughed sarcastically at her.


    "Ha-ha-ha very funny Jules–" I said to her. The beads around her neck matched her sandals and her red hair gleamed in the sunlight. She is also attractive but I know that there is no chance in that happening…ever. In fact I think Juliet is still a virgin. "Go back to hugging trees because joking is SO not your thing!" I turned around to look at the twins.


    "Moon Flower…" she corrected and closed the door. Darren and Dave both raised their eyebrows in my direction.


    "Moon Flower…" she corrected and closed the door. Darren and Dace both raised their eyebrows in my direction.


    "Moon Flower?" they said together. I shrugged my shoulders showing them that I was just as confused as they were and pointed to the door.


    "I have never really understood her… Shall we go then?" I stood up from the couch and walked over to stand by the twins. They were still smiling in victory as they linked their arms in mine and together we strode out into the hallway and the prospect of some beautiful new ladies. 


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