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    The One Who Changed My World – (Chapter: 7)

                “I guess I was just confused, I never fucking expected to fall in love with a girl!”

                “What?” Angela and I both say in unison and Spencer’s head turned to me, alarmed by my unannounced entrance.

                “Fuck,” she breathed out, unsure of her next move.

                “Wait, what?” Angela asked, more calm and confused than angry. “You guys are in love?”

                Neither Spencer nor I turned our attention towards her. We just stared at each other intently. I was so confused but also hopeful that she actually might be in love with me.

    I gulped nervously. “Spencer, what did you just say?” I asked as I nervously and slowly walked towards her.

    As I reached her and came to a stop inches from her, she got nervous too, as she looked down at the ground. “I said, I said I never expected to fall in love with a girl. To fall in love with you, Ash,” she said as she looked up into my eyes.

    “Please don’t say that if you don’t mean it.” It wasn’t rude, it was sincere and full of fright.

                “I do mean it. I love you Ashley. So much and I’m so scared.”

    I kissed her lightly on the lips to show her she didn’t need to be afraid of me. “Promise me something Spencer?” I asked.


                “Just don’t break my heart.” She just looked at me as her face scrunched up with relief that I felt the same. A single tear rolled down her cheek. I watched it roll all the way down before she leaned in and kissed me. I could feel her love for me. It was the best kiss of my life and I never wanted it to end, as we both forgot Angela was there.

                “Well shit,” she said loudly, startling both of us. “It’s impossible to be mad at you guys now. Geeeez!” And then she walked over and wrapped her arms around both of us.

                “I’m sorry Angela, we should have told you sooner,” I spoke up, trying to take some of the blame away from Spencer.

                “I guess I forgive you guys,” she said with a smile. “But I missed out on a lot of girl talk with my best friend so I better be hearing every detail of your courtship and stuff!”

                “On that note,” I replied, “I’ll leave you two to catch up on some much needed best friend time. Though I don’t think she’ll give you all the details Ang,” I said with a smile and a wink towards Spencer.

                We all laughed and I leaned in to give Spencer a good-bye kiss before whispering “I love you,” in her ear.

                I pulled back to a smiling Spencer. “I love you too.”

               I got to the doorway before I turned back to ask Angela one more thing.

                “Hey Ang,” I said smiling. “How did you figure it out anyways?”

                “Oh, right. I was in your room this morning and saw you two in bed,” she responds like it was no big deal.

                I can’t help but chuckle at how she doesn’t find that creepy. “And what exactly were you doing creeping in my room? Should I be thinking about getting a restraining order?”

                “Very funny Ash!” she says laughing. “I was definitely not there to see you naked, which is more than I can say for Spencer,” she says with a sideways glance to Spencer which causes her to blush adorably. “But I was trying to catch you in a moment when you weren’t with Spencer to talk about a very special upcoming day. Thanks for blowing up my spot.”

                “Oh Ang, you do spoil me,” Spencer chimes in.

                “Wait, is your birthday coming up?” I asked confused.

                “Some girlfriend,” Angela comments sarcastically. “Yes her birthday is next week and if you haven’t started planning something special yet; you’re screwed. Spencer thinks she is queen of the world on her birthday.”

                “I do not,” Spencer contradicts. “Okay, maybe a little,” she confesses with yet another adorable blush.

                I laughed at her and turned to Angela. “Thanks for the heads up, I guess I better get going to start planning for her big day.”

    With that, I walked quickly out of the room, excited plan something special for my girl. Ashley Davies has fallen in love and by some sort of divine miracle, Spencer actually loves me too.

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