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    The One Who Changed My World – (Chapter: 8)

                Spencer laughs at me as she moves her position so that she’s straddling me now as I lie flat on my bed. “You don’t think it’s possible for two people to stay that in love for so long?” she asks hopeful.

                I look at her deep in thought and I place my hands on the top of her thighs with my thumbs resting on her inner thighs. “I didn’t,” I answered honestly as I reach my hand up to touch her face and bring her down to my lips and breathe out centimeters before they touch. “But my views have recently changed drastically.” I take her lips in mine and kiss her softly, slowly, passionately. I wanted to make love to her more in this moment than I ever have before. This wasn’t about sex; it was about love. Our love.

                She pulled back and looked at me, conveying that she understood everything I was trying to communicate to her. A few tears started to fall from my eyes and she watched them as they did. “Spencer,” I said softly. “I really am so in love with you.”

                “I know,” she replied.

                “Do you?” I asked. “Because I know I have a reputation with girls. But you’re so different. I feel like I’ve always been waiting for you.”

                She looks at me curiously before speaking. “Why am I so different? What is it that you see in me?”

                I look at her, confused for just a moment as she caught me off guard. “Spencer, in every way, you’re the best person I’ve ever known, beautiful beyond all reason. And when I’m with you, you make me beautiful too.”

                I pause for a moment and look at her, as she ponders what I’m saying before I continue with the most honest words I’ve ever spoken. “So, you ask me what it is I see in you and I honestly don’t know how to answer. Because I can’t comprehend how anyone can look at you or how you can look at yourself and not see it. You think you’re so plain, but I know the truth. You’re so much more than that. You’re extraordinary. And you have quickly become my entire world. I’ve fallen Spencer, hard. And I have no intentions of turning back.”


    1. Yeah, unexpected twist….I’ve never had the inclination to watch it…The Notebook I mean!!…is it really that good….it seems to appear in a lot of fics…

    2. just caught up great job i was all like what movie? and the you said the notebook and i was all like are you seriouse i described it as a porno or something lol but ive never seen the movie so whenever someone just refers to it i just kinda skip the part where they explain it i dont want to hear about it till i find “the one” lol im weird like that but good job :) pms please :)

    3. HA so thought she was watching porn. and then when I saw it was the notebook I damn near died laughing. bad ass davies broke down and watched it. great update. cannot wait to see what ash plans for spence, pms!

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