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    The One Who Changed My World – (Chapter: 8)

                After taking her time with each breast, she begins removing her own jeans, before kissing her way down my stomach to the buttons on my jeans. With her teeth, she unbuttons and unzips my jeans, causing me to moan at how incredibly sexy she is. She kisses my drenched thong before fully removing my jeans and placing soft kisses on the inside of my thighs, driving me to further insanity. “Please Spencer,” I gasp out. “I need to feel you inside me.” I feel her smile against my thigh as she then wastes no time to rip my thong off of me and run her tongue along my dripping slit. I moan loudly, wanting her to know how good she makes me feel.

                She inserts her tongue deep into my hole, pleasuring me more than I can describe as she pushes it in and out driving me mad at I moan loudly and lift my hips to meet her tongue. Her hands attempt to hold my hips down to keep them from bucking with her every tongue thrust. Then she removes her tongue, much to my dismay, but she quickly replaces them with her two fingers. She smiles up at me, but I can barely keep eye contact as I have to shut my eyes from how much she’s pleasuring me.

                “Ash, baby,” she whispers out. “You taste so good. Will you cum in my mouth baby?”

                “God yes, Spencer,” I say in between gasps for air before she turns her face back to my pussy and flicks my throbbing clit with her wet tongue. My breathing hitches and my back lifts off the bed as it arches from the practically unbearable sensations she is giving me. She continues thrusting her fingers in and out of me as she sucks on my willing clit and heaven seems so close right now. I run my fingers through her hair but as I get closer I can’t take it anymore as I tug on her back and shoulders trying to get her impossibly deeper into me.

                “Fuck, Spencer. You fuck me so good baby,” I breathe out inaudibly. With one hand, I know I am leaving scratch marks on her shoulders as I dig my fingernails into her, still trying to pull her into me. The other hand has been brought up to my breast as I play with my own nipple in a feeble attempt to epitomize this ecstasy. My breathing picks up and I know I’m close as her pace picks up and she fucks me harder still. “Spencer, I’m cumming!” And with that she sucks on my clit one last time and curls her fingers into me before she sends me over the edge and my walls contract around her fingers. She continues her assault as I ride my orgasm out and I think I might die from the intensity of the orgasm. As I finish, she licks up all my leftover juices and climbs up my body, collapsing on top of me and sucking on my lip until I regain my composure and can actually kiss her back.


    1. Yeah, unexpected twist….I’ve never had the inclination to watch it…The Notebook I mean!!…is it really that good….it seems to appear in a lot of fics…

    2. just caught up great job i was all like what movie? and the you said the notebook and i was all like are you seriouse i described it as a porno or something lol but ive never seen the movie so whenever someone just refers to it i just kinda skip the part where they explain it i dont want to hear about it till i find “the one” lol im weird like that but good job :) pms please :)

    3. HA so thought she was watching porn. and then when I saw it was the notebook I damn near died laughing. bad ass davies broke down and watched it. great update. cannot wait to see what ash plans for spence, pms!

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