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    The One Who Changed My World – (Chapter: 8)

                “I told you that you tasted good,” she said as she pulls away from the kiss, looking at me as she sticks her fingers in her mouth and sucks my taste off of her. I push her head down on my sweaty chest so she can feel how fast my heart is beating. I am still unable to form words, but I think she knows how I feel because that was the most intense orgasm of my entire life.  I cannot accurately describe sex with Spencer, nothing I say could so it justice. But I know that I’ll never feel this with anyone else.



    After mine and Spencer’s afternoon well spent, I headed off to Aiden’s so that we could brainstorm ideas for Spencer’s birthday. I didn’t really know what to plan, but I knew it had to be special. As usual, I walk into his apartment without so much as a knock. He’s not in the common room so I walk down the hall to his bedroom and knock, without waiting for an answer, and enter his room.

                “Shit Ashley, get the fuck out!” Aiden screams as he throws a pillow at me and I also here a girlish shriek. Thank God the blankets are covering their bottom halves; I can only see his back as he hovers over mystery girl’s naked body.

                “Oh, shit. Sorry Aid,” I chuckle as I walk out.

                I walk into the common room and crash on the couch as I flip the television on. A lot of people would have been embarrassed and completely left by now, but it takes a lot to embarrass me. Like watching the Notebook, or something. A few minutes later Aiden comes out to the common room with basketball shorts and no shirt on and plops down next to me on the couch.

                “Sorry about that,” he said.

                “It’s fine,” I smile at him. “But who is she?”

                “I’m not telling,” he says, embarrassed as he looks away.

                “What? Why not?”

                “Because I know you’ll be mad at me,” he answers as he looks up at me nervously. I think for a second trying to figure out why I would be mad at Aiden for sleeping with anyone. Then realization hits and I get up angrily and storm towards his bedroom.


    1. Yeah, unexpected twist….I’ve never had the inclination to watch it…The Notebook I mean!!…is it really that good….it seems to appear in a lot of fics…

    2. just caught up great job i was all like what movie? and the you said the notebook and i was all like are you seriouse i described it as a porno or something lol but ive never seen the movie so whenever someone just refers to it i just kinda skip the part where they explain it i dont want to hear about it till i find “the one” lol im weird like that but good job :) pms please :)

    3. HA so thought she was watching porn. and then when I saw it was the notebook I damn near died laughing. bad ass davies broke down and watched it. great update. cannot wait to see what ash plans for spence, pms!

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