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    The One Who Changed My World – (Chapter: 8)

                “Ash, don’t!” I hear him scream after me but I ignore it.

                I throw the door open to a topless, blond girl as she tries to quickly get dressed. “Get the fuck out Sherry!” I yell angrily as I pull her towards the door by her arm.

                “You can’t tell me what to do Ashley!”

                “Fuck you I can’t, I just did! Now get the hell out and stay the fuck away from Aiden and this school!” I push her all the way down the hall and out of his apartment door still without her shirt.

                She bangs on the door and yells, “Can I at least get my fucking shirt?”

                Not wanting to look for hers, I take my own shirt off, open the door and throw it at her angrily. “You can keep that one bitch. We both know it’s nicer than whatever skanky shirt you came over her wearing!” I slam the door in her face, fuming, as I run over to Aiden.

                “What the hell were you thinking Aid?” I ask angrily. “Sherry?”

                “I know Ash, I’m sorry,” he answers honestly. “But it’s hard you know? I’ve been lonely and she just showed up.”

                “I know,” I answer more calmly because he really did look sad. “I just know how much she hurt you and I don’t want you to go through that again.”

                “Thanks Ash,” he says as he smiles at me and hands me a nearby T-shirt to cover myself. I was not a fan of Sherry ever since her and Aiden started dating a few years ago in high school. But he fell for her quickly and he was my best friend so I let it go. The only problem is, Sherry also didn’t like me very much. She made Aiden stop hanging out with me and we weren’t friends for a few months because of it. That is, until I went to a party where she was having sex with another guy. I kicked her ass good and ran to tell Aiden about it. He was heart-broken and we later found out that this guy wasn’t the only one Sherry was screwing on the side. I was still mad at Aiden for ditching me for her, but we worked through our issues and he really needed me. I knew it hurt him to stop talking to me too.

                After our tender little moment, I vowed to find Aiden a girl. It couldn’t be that hard; he was a good looking guy. “Aiden how come you and Angela never went out again after Valentine’s Day?”

                “Umm, we just didn’t click I guess,” he answered quickly, but it seemed like he was hiding something from me.

                “Really? I thought you two would work out great.”

                “Guess not,” he mumbled out, seeming a little far away in thought before changing the subject. “Want to play some Wii? I bet I kick your ass in boxing.”

                “Oh yeah right!” I answer, refusing to back down from the challenge as he knew I would. I decided we could talk about Spencer’s birthday another time. Aiden needed some macho male bonding time right now and I was the closest thing to that so I played the best friend role and let him kick my ass in Wii boxing.  



    1. Yeah, unexpected twist….I’ve never had the inclination to watch it…The Notebook I mean!!…is it really that good….it seems to appear in a lot of fics…

    2. just caught up great job i was all like what movie? and the you said the notebook and i was all like are you seriouse i described it as a porno or something lol but ive never seen the movie so whenever someone just refers to it i just kinda skip the part where they explain it i dont want to hear about it till i find “the one” lol im weird like that but good job :) pms please :)

    3. HA so thought she was watching porn. and then when I saw it was the notebook I damn near died laughing. bad ass davies broke down and watched it. great update. cannot wait to see what ash plans for spence, pms!

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