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    The Perfect Start – (Chapter: OMG look at that girl)





    Ashley woke up with her hands wrapped around someone, who seemed to be naked; she looked down the sheets and saw she herself was naked too. ‘Huh wonder how I got here? Who’s this?’

    She tried to move her body to get her clothes and be on time for practice for once, but her hand was caught underneath the girl’s body. Ashley slowly maneuvered her arm and turned around to pull up her pants.


    “Why are you going so early? I thought I could make you some breakfast for something.”


    She asked while wrapping herself up in the red silk sheets that held both their bodies together last night… all last night.


    “Well… I … ahh need to be at practice in a little while so I should get going but give me a call and we’ll do thins again.”


    Ashley practically jogged to the door and let herself out, before the cute red head would notice that Ashley hadn’t given her number to her at all.

    Ashley walked to her car started the engine and plugged her Ipod in and turned to her new favorite song. The Naughty Song.


    She had it blasting at 7:10 in the morning. She made a quick stop to her house showered and changed her clothes. It wasn’t a problem because her mom was never home, she would always be out with the man of the week and ‘this week I think it’s the car dealer… ehh what ever’. Though she acted as if her mom didn’t matter to her, but deep down she really did want a mother in her life. She wanted to have a normal mother for once and her dad was always gone. He was a very popular Rock star and she benefited from him, but all she wanted was a father in her life… at least for a while.


    Coming in to the parking lot where she had her own parking spot, she saw the girls that would always ask her out on a daily bases, right where they would be every morning to see Ashley everyday, then she saw Tristan and Sky talking, waiting for Ashley to go to their first period.

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