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    The Perfect Start – (Chapter: OMG look at that girl)


    “Hey guys, where’s Jorie?” Ashley asked grabbing her English book from her locker.

    “She and Anna had a LONG date last night so… and it looks like so did you, what’s that Ash hicky’s?”

    “Ya well Jorie’s not the only one who had a long night ha-ha”




    Walking to there class Ashley heard her name being called


    “Ashley… Ashleeey” called a familiar voice


    “Hey Aiden what’s up?”


    “I saw u leaving with that hot chick last night, you hit that? Ha-ha” with a wide grin and nodding his head like a complete dumb-ass.


    “I don’t kiss and tell Aiden, what about you, what happened to… what was it the blond this time or the brunet? Haha”


    “Well… it was kinda both, you know things got out of hand, but who’s complaining”


    “Aiden you’re a dog ha-ha” she said taking her seat in class.


    “Class open your books to page 354 and start reading “Love is the Same” and we will discuss it after words”


    Everyone opened their books and started reading and in the second paragraph just about everyone realized the story was a women falling in love with a women.



    Jorie quickly passed a note to Ashley.


    HAHA hey it’s a story about you and heather hahaha

    Ashley wrote back

    FUCK YOU!!! Lozzer  


    As everyone read the story Ashley had started talking to the girl to her left. She didn’t realize the class door opened and a few people walked in.

    Everyone was paying attention to the front of the class and it seemed like the whole class stopped breathing.

    When Ashley didn’t get a response back from the girl she looked up and saw what the entire class was looking at.


    A girl, 5’3, 5’4, long blonde hair cascading over her shoulders, nice light tan legs, perfectly in shape, and breasts that could blow your mind. Her eyes piercing water blue, the kind when you look into and never want to look away because you might miss something.


    “oh my god” Tristan said

    “OOH MY GODDDDD” Aiden said looking the girl up and down

    Ashley sat there her mouth agape “oh……. god”.  She didn’t realize that the teacher had told the new girl to “take the seat next to the window” which was right next to Ashley.


    She smiled and at Ashley and Ashley smiled back, not a word said Ashley went back to her book. She didn’t know what to do, hit on her now or hit on her later… ehhh whatever.


    “Hi” the new girl whispered

    “Hey” Ashley whispered back

    “My names Ashley” sticking out her hand and having it cupped another’s

    “Spencer… what page are we on?”

    “Ahh… page 354, it’s a good story Spencer.”


    Spencer’s POV

    ‘Oh man what have I got myself into? California is so different it’s big and loud and now I‘m stuck going to this school and… Wow who is that? Cuteeeieee!!




    “Ok guys finish the story and be ready for tomorrow” the teacher announced as everyone left.


    “Spencer um I’ll see you later ok, and if you want to sit with me at lunch just come by and, and I’ll be sure to make room for you” she said smiling


    “Ya ok that sounds good but I need to find my next class but I’ll take you up on that offer, thanks, ill see you later”


    Spencer walked off and Ashley just stood there watching her walk away swaying her hips left and right ‘mmmhmm’


    “Ashley come on we need to be in class girl we got a game tonight and you know how coach is, come on” Tristan said pulling her.

     TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK.. thanks for reading.

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