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    The Reminder

    "Mom do you want to hold him?"  Paula looked up surprised but quickly nodded her head.  "Yes."  Arthur handed Paula Tyler and she just held him petting and kissing his head.  "He’s so small."  She smiled and looked at Spencer.

     "Well don’t hog him Uncle Glen over here wants to meet my main man."  Glen cut in and Paula placed Tyler in Glen’s arms as Glen went off telling Tyler all the strip clubs he was going to bring him to when he was older and Spencer just shook her head and laughed.

    "Oh k I think its my turn now."  Clay said after Glen went on for like 5 minutes on the many ways he was going to corrupt his nephew.

    When Clay took Tyler in is arms Ashley woke up a little groggy.  "Spencer?"  When Spencer heard Ashley call her she turned and walked to her wife. "Im right here do you need anything?"  Ashley looked around the room and saw the whole Carlin family watching her.  "No but did you ask Clay and Chelsea yet?"  Spencer smiled.  No I was waiting for you to wake up.  Clay was handing Chelsea the baby when they overheard their names. 

    "Asked us what?"  Spencer smiled at Ashley.  "We want to know if you guys would be the godparents?"  Spencer wait on her toes for an answer.  She loved the way Clay and Chelsea were as parents and she knew that their son would be raised right if something every happened to them.  Clay and Chelsea smiled at eachother and then at Spencer and Ashley.  "Of course we would love that."  Chelsea answered and she kissed her godson’s head.

    The Carlins all stayed for a few hours and Glen spent most of it griping about why he isn’t the god father, but everyone else passed Tyler around and sat and talked even Paula.  When they left Ashley fed Tyler again and the nurse came in and told them that they could go home if they wanted to.  Ashley was more than happy to leave so after getting discharged Spencer drove them home.

    They walked into the nursery and put Tyler in the crib for his first time and Spencer kissed Ashley on the head.  "He is beautiful baby you did a good job."  Ashley smiled back.  "He is your child."  That statement made Spencer’s heart melt even though she knew that Tyler couldn’t really look like her it made her feel good to here how much Ashley felt he was hers.

    "I’m ready for bed we should sleep why this little guy does."  Spencer took Ashley’s hand and started walking towards the door and Ashley stopped.  "Do you mind if I have a few minutes alone with him?"

    "No…sweety take your time, I will be upstairs if you need me."  She kissed Ashley goodnight and then went upstairs and passed out right away.

    Ashley walked to the crib and stared at her son.  "I want you to know that I love you so much, I was so afraid that you would always be a reminder of that night but the only thing you remind me of is me, I love you Ty."  Ashley shut the door and went to bed happy for the first time in a long time.










    The End



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