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    The Reminder

    "ASH PLEASE."  It was a desperate plea but Spencer felt like she was loosing her and had to do something.

    Ashley turned around slowly but why looking at the ground she just whispered. "Spence please let me go."  To both Ashley and Spencer she was not just asking about right now.

    "No, I wont just let you go."  Spencer whispered as she pulled Ashley to her and the sobs in the bathroom were nothing compared to Ashley collapsing in Spencer’s arms and her whole body shaking.

    "Sp….e…nc…e  yo…..u….do….n’t……under……stand."  Ashley could barely get words out through her erratic breathing.  "SHHH……..shhhhhh…….shhh."  Was all Spencer said why she waited for Ashley’s tears to slow down.  When Ashley was down to just little whimpers Spencer figured it was safe to broach the subject.

    "Talk to me sweety."  Spencer didn’t know if she was ready to here this but she knew that Ashley needed to get it out.  Over the last month Spencer had been seeing a councelor since Ashley wouldn’t to understand how to help the girl.

    "I….I…hate myself……..much."  Ashley laid her head in Spencer’s lap and Spencer pulled a throw off the couch and wrapped it around Ashley.  "Honey I know you don’t believe this but this was not your fault."  Ashley started crying again and Spencer just held her.

    "Tell me what happened that night."  Spencer knew that this was going to tear her up to hear but it would hurt Ashley more if she didn’t get it out.  In all this time Ashley had never told anyone exactly what happened that night not even the police.  The only way the police were able to arrest Aiden was because Ashley had told the maid where she was going and when Spencer got back from Paris and found out that Ashley had not been home for 2 weeks and she had gone to Aiden’s Spencer knew something was wrong and called the police they went to Aidens house and found Ashley laying in a pile of blood in his room.  They asked her what happened and all she said was Aiden.

    So broken and through her tears Ashley found a candle on the end table and stared at it as she finally told the story.

    "I went to Aidens the night you left for Paris to tell him that we couldn’t be friends anymore because he couldn’t handle it.  I told him that he needed to respect that we were married and that I loved you and that it was never going to change.  I told him that I loved him as a friend but I would never love him the way he wanted me to. 


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