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    The Reminder

    He was angry and he started throwing things.  I told him I was leaving and that I hope he has a good life.  When I got to the door he pushed me up against it from behind me and screamed in my ear telling me I wasn’t going to go anywhere.  I pushed him away enough so that he wasn’t against me anymore but now he was blocking the door. 

    I yelled at him and told him I was going to call the police if he didn’t let me leave and I got my phone out of my purse he walked to me and tore it out of my hand throwing it against the wall.  He looked at me and he seemed like a whole different person.  He punched me in my face so hard my head snapped back and I thought he was going to break my neck when he punched me again and my head snapped the other way. 

    He told me how it was my fault this was happening as he threw me into his glass table.  He stood above me kicking me, I tried to guard myself but he was kicking me everywhere.  He jumped on me, I couldn’t move my whole body hurt.  He punched my face a few times and told me that he was going to show me what I was missing.

    He ripped my shirt off and my bra and I tried to push him off me but he was to strong and I could barely move.  He pulled my jeans off and pushed my legs apart with his knee’s and I begged him to stop.  He said will see if Spencer will love you now and pushed himself deep inside me.  I tried to scream but he had one of his hands wrapped around my throat and I could barely breathe.  I felt like he was tearing me open and when I tried to push him off me again he punched me again and told me that I was his bitch and that he was going to show me that.  He came inside me and as he fell ontop of me he bit my breast hard making it bleed.

    I could barely see my eyes were so swollen but I knew he was done and I was hoping he would just let me go but he didn’t he only took a second to recover and then he got off me and pulled me by my hair to his bed.


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