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    The Remnants of a Young Girl’s Dream – (Chapter: Chapter 3: Justification and Jeopardy)

    Ashley knew that this wasn’t healthy. She had enough therapy under her belt to know that, but when the girl you love is kissing you like Spencer was kissing her, rational thought goes out the window, at least for a moment. This was not a usual Spencer kiss. There was no tentative tongue. There was no gentle caress. Spencer’s tongue was almost immediately thrusting in and out of Ashley’s mouth. Her hands were pulling Ashley’s hips toward her own. As Ashley felt Spencer shift her knee in between her legs and begin to push up, she felt something. Well, of course she felt something, but she also felt something much deeper: guilt.

    Stifling a moan, she roughly pulled her lips from Spencer’s, both girls out of breath.

    “Spence, we can’t do this, especially not before we talk about what’s going on with us.”

    “Things are so complicated. I don’t want to talk.” Ashley could feel her nobility crumbling. “I want to feel. I want to feel good.” Crumbling. “I want to make someone else feel good.” Ashley was a goner. “I want to feel loved.”

    They locked eyes and Spencer connected their lips once again, as she guided Ashley up onto the counter they had been leaning against. Their kissing was even more feverish, as Ashley let her hands wander to the bottoms of Spencer’s breasts. Meanwhile, Spencer’s new position in between Ashley’s legs gave her hands plenty to explore. Soon her hands were pushing up the bottom of Ashley’s dress, quickly headed upward. Just as Spencer reached where Ashley obviously wanted her, the sound of the bathroom door opening echoed around the room.

    Spencer turned to see who was at the door, which an oblivious Ashley took as an invitation to begin lightly kissing down Spencer’s neck. The stilling of Spencer’s fingers under Ashley’s dress, however, brought Ashley out of her daze enough to look up. As she did so, she whimpered, “Spence, I’m so… Kyla?”

    Just inside of the bathroom stood a very red Kyla with averted eyes.

    “Um, hey Ash… and Spence.” She waved slightly, her eyes still glued to the ceiling. She spoke so hurriedly that it was almost impossible to understand what she was saying. “I was checking to see if you guys were okay, but it looks like you are. So, I’m gonna go. Yeah… I’m… Yeah, I’m sooo sorry.” With that, she turned around and ran out of the bathroom.

    Spencer took her hand out from underneath Ashley’s dress and took a step back from the counter, allowing Ashley room to get down.

    “I should probably get back to my family.” Spencer was out of the bathroom door before Ashley even registered what she had said.

    As she sat alone on the bathroom counter, her lips bruised and her body aching for release, she wondered just how much more complicated things could get.

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    1. Aiden makes me so mad. He still is determined to come between Ashley and Spencer. Kyla should have told him off. Anyway, another great update. PMS!

    2. Aiden makes me so mad. He still is determined to come between Ashley and Spencer. Kyla should have told him off. Anyway, another great update. PMS!

    3. omg i LOVE this much emotion, confusion, hurt. I can see why spencer just wanted to forget and release. This is great pleeeease post more soon :)

    4. omg i LOVE this much emotion, confusion, hurt. I can see why spencer just wanted to forget and release. This is great pleeeease post more soon :)

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