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    The Remnants of a Young Girl’s Dream – (Chapter: Chapter 4: Pain, Confrontation, and More Pain)

    Ashley tried to run after her, but Aiden’s grip on her arm remained.

    “Goddammit, Aiden!” She turned toward the boy, ripping her arm free of his grasp. “What the hell are you doing?”

    “We need to talk about what happened at prom. About what I said to you. About when you screamed my name.”

    “Aiden, do you really think it’s a good idea to talk about this right now? My girlfriend’s brother is dead, Aiden! And you want to discuss…”

    “You guys are still together?”

    “Jesus, you are not seriously doing this right now! Can you please not think with your prick for just a minute?” She looked Aiden directly in the eyes. “I love Spencer. I want to be with Spencer. I want to be there for Spencer. If she’ll let me, I want to be there for her for many years to come. If we can even get past all of this…”


                Kyla walked up to her sister, trying to ignore the jealousy flaring up inside of her at the sight of her talking to Aiden. “Ash, I’m so sorry about interrupting earlier. I thought you guys would need a mediator. I didn’t know you guys would be…”

                Being physically in between Aiden and Kyla as Kyla spoke was making Ashley extremely uncomfortable. “Kyla, it’s fine. It’s done. Stop talking.”

    Aiden’s confusion was blatantly apparent. “Wait, what happened in the bathroom?”

    “Shit, Ash, I’m sooo sorry.” Kyla desperately tried to cover her mistake. “Aiden, it’s nothing. I just interrupted them working things out.”

    “No, you didn’t. You said they weren’t talking.” It suddenly dawned on Aiden. “Oh my God, that’s why Spencer was acting so weird earlier! You guys…”

    Ashley didn’t stick around to hear what Aiden had to say. At that moment, his revelations were the least of her concerns.


    When Ashley got to the waiting room, Spencer was the only one inside.

    “Hey,” Ashley said softly, trying to avoid startling the blonde. “Where is everyone?”

    She replied stiffly, “Chelsea’s parents picked her up. Glen is driving Madison home. Mom and Dad are getting coffee from the cafeteria.”

                Ashley sat in the seat next to Spencer, shifting her body to face the blonde. “I’m sorry about that scene in the hallway, Spence. I didn’t even want to talk to him. I only want to talk to you.” She boldly reached across and placed her hand atop Spencer’s thigh. “I love you.”

    Spencer placed her hand on top of Ashley’s, her eyes focused on how perfectly their hands fit together.

     “I really can’t deal with much more heartache right now, Ashley. If you’re not sure…”

    “I am sure. I want to be with you. I want to be there for you, if you’ll let me.”

    “Let’s go get some air.” Spencer stood up, intertwining their fingers and leading them toward the door. At the door, they came face to face with Aiden.

    Ashley, still a bit frustrated with Aiden’s callousness in the hallway, addressed Aiden briskly, “Excuse us.”

    Aiden’s eyes focused on the intertwined hands between the two girls, his insides boiling. He stayed blocking the doorway.

    “Where you guys headed?” He smirked. “To the bathroom? Going for another round? Spencer, I never knew you were such an animal.”

    Spencer immediately dropped Ashley’s hand and turned toward the girl next to her. “You… I can’t believe… Are you…You told him…” She slapped Ashley hard across the face. “Fuck you!” She pushed past Aiden, leaving behind a stunned Ashley and a very smug Aiden.

    “I guess she doesn’t want you to be there for her, after all.” His smirk grew wider. “Doesn’t really seem like she wants you at all.”  This was the very last straw for Ashley. She punched Aiden in the nose, effectively silencing his taunts.

                As blood poured out of the boy’s nose, Ashley grabbed her purse with her throbbing hand and walked out of the waiting room, leaving Kyla, Arthur, and Paula very confused as she stormed up the hallway past them. She needed to find Spencer.

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    1. I am so glad Ashley told Aiden off. He makes me so mad, especially with that stunt he pulled at the end. He totally deserved that punch in the face. Awesome update, PMS!

    2. THATA GIRL ASHLEY!! WOOHOO! she should’ve kneed him in the balls too. that woulda been sweet. but theres always time for that later hehe. ughh he’s such a fucking dick!!! let’s kill him. who’s in?

    3. I am so glad Ashley told Aiden off. He makes me so mad, especially with that stunt he pulled at the end. He totally deserved that punch in the face. Awesome update, PMS!

    4. THATA GIRL ASHLEY!! WOOHOO! she should’ve kneed him in the balls too. that woulda been sweet. but theres always time for that later hehe. ughh he’s such a fucking dick!!! let’s kill him. who’s in?

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