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    The Rules of Highschool – (Chapter: Chapter Three)

       "SPENCER, time for school. Get up!" Paula called from downstairs. Spencer warily sat up, rubbed her eyes, and stretched. She didnt get much sleep, she was too busy thinking of what to do about school. And, of course, Ashley.

    Ashley is amazing. But do I really want to go through all that pain again? How do I know she’ll be there for me? I’ve worked so hard to be accepted, am I really going to throw it all away. I mean, those cheerleaders can be cruel. I dont know if I’m strong enough to ignore them, they’ll get to me. They always do. Ugh, this sucks!

    Spencer got dressed, headed downstairs, and waited for Aiden to come pick her up. He honked and she ran out the door. She got in the car, and tried to put as much distance between them as she could. Which wasn’t much considering they were in a car.

       "Hey babe, how was dinner with the family?" Aiden asked right after he kissed her cheek.
       "What? Oh, yeah, dinner. It was pretty good. How was your night?" Aiden gave her a worried look and she smiled at him trying to prove she was ok.
       "It was okay I guess. Would have been a lot better if you were with me." He said while he was pulling outta the drive way.
       "I’m sorry. I would have came if I could have. You know that."
    Aiden sighed. "I know, babe." Aiden started talking about useless stuff that Spencer has no idea of. But, today, she wasnt pretending to listen. "Hey, Spence?"
       "Why are you so quiet? Are you okay? Is something wrong?"
       "No, Aid. I’m just tired. I didnt sleep well last night."
       "Oh, was something on your mind?"
       "No, I guess I just wasnt tired when I needed to be."
       "Oh, okay." They pulled into King’s parking lot. They both got out and Aiden said bye, kissed her cheek, and ran off to the gym. Spencer was just aimlessly walking around to waste time until she needed to get to class. She only had a few minutes left so she decided to head to her locker and get her stuff. When she opened it a small folded piece of paper fell out. Out of pure curiousity she picked it up and read it.

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