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    The Rules of Highschool – (Chapter: Chapter Two)

       "Ash, the water feels great. You should really join me." Just as Ashley was about to reply Spencer dumped the bucket onto her stomach and up to her neck.
       "Holy shit!" Ashley jumped and noticed Spencer had a smirk on her face. "Why’d you do that?!?"
       "Do what?" Spencer looked at her innocently.
       "Hmm…" Spencer was trying to conceal her laughter.
       "RUN!" Ashley screamed

    And with that Spencer took off as fast as she could. Ashley had caught up with her and they were playfully shoving each other. Spencer noticed that they were a few feet from the water. She quickly grabbed Ashley’s arms and started walking backwards towards the water. Ashley was laughed too hard to notice until the water hit her feet.

       "Spencer Carlin! Dont you even dare!" She was struggling to get outta Spencers grip. But was failing miserably.
       "Ash, come on. It wont be that bad. I promise!" Spencer looked at Ashley with the sincerest grin.
       "Carlin, I’m not kidding." Spencer had turned them around and Ashley was being pushed back into the water. Spencer had let go of her arms for just a second. Ashley tried to take the oppurtunity to run. Spencer, however, had other plans. She straight football tackeled Ashley into the water. They had been dragged under by a wave. When Spencer came up, Ashley was nowhere to be found.
       "Oh my god, Ashley. Ashley where are you?!?" Spencer was begining to panic. Ashley came up right behind her and jumped on her back, shoving her under water. Spencer came up spewing water from her mouth. "Shit, Ash. You scared me."
       "Serves you right. You got my hair wet. Its gonna be a disaster now. All thanks to you!" Ashley pouted and cross her arms.
       "Aww, did I hurt Ashley Davies’s feelings?" Spencer looked at her with mock sincerity.
       "Yeah." Ashley replied sounding just like a three year old.
       "Aww, come here." Spencer opened her arms out for Ashley. Ashley walked into the embrace and before she could wrap her arms around the blonde she was under water. She came up and Spencer was heading back up to the beach. "Davies, you are so gullable!" she called back.

    So thats how its gonna be Carlin? Oh, two can play at that game. Just wait and see.

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    1. im really glad i decided to read this fic, because that really is what teenagers deal with. the whole being accepted thing in high school… its so important to kids, and you really got that in here. GREAT job. PMS.

    2. im really glad i decided to read this fic, because that really is what teenagers deal with. the whole being accepted thing in high school… its so important to kids, and you really got that in here. GREAT job. PMS.

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