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    The Rules of Highschool – (Chapter: Chapter Two)

    Ashley headed back up to the beach where Spencer was sitting. The sun was starting to die down and it was a little chilly so she put her shirt back on. Ashley followed her procedure and sat next to her.

       "So, how many girlfriends have you had?"
       "Only one. But even she left me when I came out."
       "Ew, ouch! Talk about a bitch."
       "Yeah, but you live and learn I guess. What about you?"
       "I havent had a girlfriend, really. I havent met a person that I really liked. Enough to be commited. So I’ve only had one-night stands."
       "Thats cool."
       "Yeah," Ashley sighed. "Hey, Spence?"
       "For what?"
       "Coming here with me. Accepting me. Letting me have fun. Thanks for being you I guess." Spencer looked at Ashley with eyes full of care.
       "Your welcome. Thanks to you to. You’re the only one here I’ve told really anything about my life to. It means a lot to me."
       "I’m glad I could be of service." Ashley quickly stood and took a bow. Spencer laughed.
       "Leave it to you to make a serious moment goofy."
       "One of the many amazing things about Ashley Davies."
       "Haha, wow, conceded much?" Spencer playfully shoved Ashley. Ashley overexaggerated it and fell to the ground.
       "Spence, how long are you planning on taking this sharade (sp?) of yours?"
       "I dont know. To tell you the truth. I hadnt really planned on it lasting this long. It just sorta did I guess."
       "Oh, I just wanted to know. Because you’re not supposed to be even talking to be according to your group."
       "Oh, right. Dang, I completely forgot about them. I dont know Ashley. I’ve done this for so long, its just…"
       "I get it, Spence. You dont have to try and explain it to me."
       "But, I want to be able to talk to you. To hang out with you. I just dont know how they will react."
       "So…what are you going to do?"
       "I dont know. I mean if I quit hanging out with them, then I’ll have to dump Aiden. Which means I’ll have to give him a reason. And I’ll have to tell him I’m gay. And then I wont be a cheerleader anymore and they will all be like it was in Ohio. But, I do wanna hang out with you. You’re the only person I trust in L.A. The only person here who accepts me and doesnt care. You’re kind, funny, caring, and amazing."
    Ashley interupted Spencer. "And dont forget hott!"
    Spencer looked Ashley straight in her eyes. "You’re kind, funny, caring, amazing, and super sexy."
       "SCORE!" Ashley yelled. Spencer started to laugh but it was interupted by her cell phone ringing. Spencer looked at it.
       "Crap, its my mom. I’m probably late for dinner and Aiden has probably called a million times."
       "Well, I guess I should get you home."

    The girls gathered their things and headed back up to the car. The car ride was rather silent. Both girls were caught up in thoughts at what would happen tomorrow. When they reached the Carlin house. Spencer turned to Ashley and gave her a quick hug.

       "Thanks, and dont worry about tomorrow. We’ll take it as it comes."  Spencer got out of the car and Ashley waited until she got inside to pull out of the drive.

    I wonder what will happen tomorrow. Will she talk to me? Or ignore me all together? Will she finally be herself? Or continue her lie?

    All for right now. Maybe more tonight.

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    1. im really glad i decided to read this fic, because that really is what teenagers deal with. the whole being accepted thing in high school… its so important to kids, and you really got that in here. GREAT job. PMS.

    2. im really glad i decided to read this fic, because that really is what teenagers deal with. the whole being accepted thing in high school… its so important to kids, and you really got that in here. GREAT job. PMS.

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