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    The Story of Us – (Chapter: 5 (Part II): For You, I’d Wait ‘Til Kingdom Come)




    “Ashden!” Shaking her head, Spencer continued to giggle at her wife’s latest suggestion. “Hon, why does every name you pick out have Ash in it?” The brunette’s nose crinkled as she grinned wider. “’Cause I rock, silly!” Spencer rolled her eyes, snorting softly. Settling on her side, she sighed contentedly when she felt Ashley’s strong arms encircling, pulling her back against her chest. “Besides what would you know about good names anyway?” Arching an eyebrow, Spencer smirked in response to her wife’s badly disguised shudder as she inched her fingers slowly up her thigh, “Hmm, I don’t recall you having a problem with my name when you were screaming it earlier.” Ashley pulled away slightly so she could peer innocently over her wife’s shoulder, “Totally not my fault! This crazed, horny pregnant lady accosted me!” Laughing, Spencer moved her hand higher, slapping her wife’s bare ass, “Bad, Ashley!” Grumbling, the brunette laid back down onto their shared pillow.


    Arching her head back, Spencer teasingly nipped under her wife’s chin. Feeling Ashley smiling at the contact, she continued to lick, moaning softly as she discovered the light sheen of sweat clinging to her wife’s neck. “Spence?” Looking up, darkened blue met watering brown. Silently, Ashley lifted one hand in the bedroom’s dim light in response to her wife’s questioning gaze. Burying her nose in the damp, white-blonde hairs at the nape of Spencer’s neck, Ashley inhaled her scent as she traced the edge of her shoulder, pulling her wife onto her back. Carefully, her hand moved down, gently cupping Spencer’s swollen breasts. Ashley rested her cheek against her wife’s heart as her hand tenderly caressed along the rise of her stomach. Lifting her head, again, their eyes met. Drawing a shaky breath, Ashley’s voice cracked when she whispered, “God, I love you.”


    * * * * *


    “Raife Allen Davies.” Father Michel nodded towards a nurse who handed him a bowl. His soft, almost inaudible words seemed to blur as he held his hand over the water. Stepping closer to the baby, he tilted the bowl, spilling water onto his forehead. Ashley watched, wide-eyed, as her son’s face darkened. As Father Michael allowed several more heavy drops to fall, his voice rose. “I baptize you, Raife Allen Davies, in the name of the Father…” An angry, piercing cry echoed around the small room as the priest dipped the bowl a final time, “…and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit." Ashley kissed her son’s damp forehead. Placing her hand on her little boy’s tummy, she whispered soothingly, gently rubbing his stomach, “Shh…momma’s here, angel. Momma’s here…”

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    1. First of all, WHERE THE HECK IS SPENCER???!!! I’m going crazy with the not knowing if she is okay. Man, I hope she’s okay. Also, how sweet was Ashley to Spencer when she was pregnant!! The pickles and peanut butter, too sweet. I really, really hope Spencer and the baby are okay. Fantastic update. But please PMS!

    2. ok i’m sitting here with tears in my freakin eyes!! you know how good a story is and how amazing the author is when the reader is crying!! omggg. AMAZING!! im hoping to the fanfiction gods that both spencer and the baby make it out ok! ash already lost one baby..i dont think she’d be able to handle it if she lost another..and spencer. :-( poor spencerrr. i agree with insertcleveranswer…WHERE THE HECK IS SPENCER?! AHHH! update soon!! PLEASE!

    3. I`m going crazy wondering what has happen to spencer. I hope she is ok. And i hope the baby is going to be ok. I cant wait to see what happens next. PMS

    4. ok, so its been like 4 months since you’ve posted on this an u left me and probably millions of others completely hanging… i know ur probably busy an sick of writing on this, but please im begging you for at least a couple more posts, just to finish it off… please i will cry if u want me to… please please please please!!!!!

    5. I discovered this story this morning and I have been reading it all day long. OMG!!! I am saddened by the fact that we don’t know what happened to Spencer? Please finish at least one more to let us know if she is stil alive. LOVE YOUR WRITING…totally emotional…

    6. First of all, WHERE THE HECK IS SPENCER???!!! I’m going crazy with the not knowing if she is okay. Man, I hope she’s okay. Also, how sweet was Ashley to Spencer when she was pregnant!! The pickles and peanut butter, too sweet. I really, really hope Spencer and the baby are okay. Fantastic update. But please PMS!

    7. ok i’m sitting here with tears in my freakin eyes!! you know how good a story is and how amazing the author is when the reader is crying!! omggg. AMAZING!! im hoping to the fanfiction gods that both spencer and the baby make it out ok! ash already lost one baby..i dont think she’d be able to handle it if she lost another..and spencer. :-( poor spencerrr. i agree with insertcleveranswer…WHERE THE HECK IS SPENCER?! AHHH! update soon!! PLEASE!

    8. I`m going crazy wondering what has happen to spencer. I hope she is ok. And i hope the baby is going to be ok. I cant wait to see what happens next. PMS

    9. ok, so its been like 4 months since you’ve posted on this an u left me and probably millions of others completely hanging… i know ur probably busy an sick of writing on this, but please im begging you for at least a couple more posts, just to finish it off… please i will cry if u want me to… please please please please!!!!!

    10. I discovered this story this morning and I have been reading it all day long. OMG!!! I am saddened by the fact that we don’t know what happened to Spencer? Please finish at least one more to let us know if she is stil alive. LOVE YOUR WRITING…totally emotional…

    11. I just re-read this story from the beginging because this is so good. And I wanted to “fill” in the blanks. I went by your “@=the past and **=the present” guide line and it made things alot easier for me so thank you. I’m sorry that Spencer can’t carry a child of her own because listening to Paula talk about how beautiful she was as a little girl made me want to cry. That was such a sweet flash back of Spence saying her prayers. This story is so beautiful and bitter sweet. Your a great writer because I can picture everything in my head as I read along. Where is Spencer? Is she ok? They have to have a happily ever after because they’ve been through so much together. I love this story!

    12. I just re-read this story from the beginging because this is so good. And I wanted to “fill” in the blanks. I went by your “@=the past and **=the present” guide line and it made things alot easier for me so thank you. I’m sorry that Spencer can’t carry a child of her own because listening to Paula talk about how beautiful she was as a little girl made me want to cry. That was such a sweet flash back of Spence saying her prayers. This story is so beautiful and bitter sweet. Your a great writer because I can picture everything in my head as I read along. Where is Spencer? Is she ok? They have to have a happily ever after because they’ve been through so much together. I love this story!

    13. so i know i’m incredibly late but i just found this site a few months ago and i just came across your ff’s about a week ago… please continue!!! i’m totally loving your stories and i’m incredibly anxious to see what’s going on!!! please PMS!

    14. so i know i’m incredibly late but i just found this site a few months ago and i just came across your ff’s about a week ago… please continue!!! i’m totally loving your stories and i’m incredibly anxious to see what’s going on!!! please PMS!

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