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    The Story of Us – (Chapter: 5 (Part II): For You, I’d Wait ‘Til Kingdom Come)




    Spencer’s eyes closed against hot tears as her wife’s lips lovingly brushed her stomach, her chest, stopping at her collarbone to mark, to sooth. Blue eyes finally parted in response to warm, tickling breath. Hovering, Ashley stared openly at her wife, gently smiling at the rising blush on her cheeks. One hand rose between them, sliding into tangled, brown curls, tugging. Swollen lips met softly, parting for tongues to taste again. Shivering, Spencer sighed when Ashley’s lips left hers to press against her ear. “Come with me.” Taking her wife’s outstretched hand, Spencer let Ashley help her upright. Feeling her wife’s bare body against her back, she shivered again as another tickling whisper followed a hand covering her eyes. “No peeking.” They shuffled together for what seemed like minutes until the scent of vanilla and jasmine filled suddenly warmer air.


    As Ashley’s hand lowered, Spencer gasped, trying to take everything in at once, “Oh baby!” A trail of rose petals outlined by flickering tea candles created a path, leading to the bubbling water of the bathroom’s Jacuzzi tub. Their large picture window, previously hidden behind thick curtains, glowed softly with the day’s first hesitant rays of sunlight. Ashley’s voice was suddenly there behind her as arms reached, encircling her tightly. 


    “Now I place my hand upon you, that you be my poem
    I whisper with my lips close to your ear,
    I have loved many women and men, but I love none better than you…”


     * * * * *


    “We have to take him now.” Dr. Anders gently patted Ashley’s shoulder again, waiting until the woman’s watering eyes met his, to repeat his request. “Please, Mrs. Davies, we have to take him now.” She tried to move, but his hand was still wrapped tightly around her finger. Silently, Raife stared, his dark eyes mirroring her own crumbling face.




    Again, she was lead, this time into warm water. Spencer watched in silence as her wife knelt, dipping a towel below the froth only to raise it moments later. As water cascaded over her, Spencer closed her eyes, tilting her head back to capture rain and light.


    “O I have been dilatory and dumb;
    I should have made my way straight to you long ago;
    I should have blabb’d nothing but you, I should have chanted nothing but you.”

    Ashley’s lathered hands stroked her back, her breasts, her stomach. The soft sound of falling water merged with murmured words, filtering in with light, surrounding her in warmth. She had never felt this safe, this loved. It happened wrapped in her arms, with her breath caressing the small hairs at the nape of her neck, the sun rose and Spencer’s eyes stayed open until all she could see was white. A soft hand traced her cheek. Then it was the darkness of her wife’s watering eyes that blinded.


    “I will leave all, and come and make the hymns of you.”

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    1. First of all, WHERE THE HECK IS SPENCER???!!! I’m going crazy with the not knowing if she is okay. Man, I hope she’s okay. Also, how sweet was Ashley to Spencer when she was pregnant!! The pickles and peanut butter, too sweet. I really, really hope Spencer and the baby are okay. Fantastic update. But please PMS!

    2. ok i’m sitting here with tears in my freakin eyes!! you know how good a story is and how amazing the author is when the reader is crying!! omggg. AMAZING!! im hoping to the fanfiction gods that both spencer and the baby make it out ok! ash already lost one baby..i dont think she’d be able to handle it if she lost another..and spencer. :-( poor spencerrr. i agree with insertcleveranswer…WHERE THE HECK IS SPENCER?! AHHH! update soon!! PLEASE!

    3. I`m going crazy wondering what has happen to spencer. I hope she is ok. And i hope the baby is going to be ok. I cant wait to see what happens next. PMS

    4. ok, so its been like 4 months since you’ve posted on this an u left me and probably millions of others completely hanging… i know ur probably busy an sick of writing on this, but please im begging you for at least a couple more posts, just to finish it off… please i will cry if u want me to… please please please please!!!!!

    5. I discovered this story this morning and I have been reading it all day long. OMG!!! I am saddened by the fact that we don’t know what happened to Spencer? Please finish at least one more to let us know if she is stil alive. LOVE YOUR WRITING…totally emotional…

    6. First of all, WHERE THE HECK IS SPENCER???!!! I’m going crazy with the not knowing if she is okay. Man, I hope she’s okay. Also, how sweet was Ashley to Spencer when she was pregnant!! The pickles and peanut butter, too sweet. I really, really hope Spencer and the baby are okay. Fantastic update. But please PMS!

    7. ok i’m sitting here with tears in my freakin eyes!! you know how good a story is and how amazing the author is when the reader is crying!! omggg. AMAZING!! im hoping to the fanfiction gods that both spencer and the baby make it out ok! ash already lost one baby..i dont think she’d be able to handle it if she lost another..and spencer. :-( poor spencerrr. i agree with insertcleveranswer…WHERE THE HECK IS SPENCER?! AHHH! update soon!! PLEASE!

    8. I`m going crazy wondering what has happen to spencer. I hope she is ok. And i hope the baby is going to be ok. I cant wait to see what happens next. PMS

    9. ok, so its been like 4 months since you’ve posted on this an u left me and probably millions of others completely hanging… i know ur probably busy an sick of writing on this, but please im begging you for at least a couple more posts, just to finish it off… please i will cry if u want me to… please please please please!!!!!

    10. I discovered this story this morning and I have been reading it all day long. OMG!!! I am saddened by the fact that we don’t know what happened to Spencer? Please finish at least one more to let us know if she is stil alive. LOVE YOUR WRITING…totally emotional…

    11. I just re-read this story from the beginging because this is so good. And I wanted to “fill” in the blanks. I went by your “@=the past and **=the present” guide line and it made things alot easier for me so thank you. I’m sorry that Spencer can’t carry a child of her own because listening to Paula talk about how beautiful she was as a little girl made me want to cry. That was such a sweet flash back of Spence saying her prayers. This story is so beautiful and bitter sweet. Your a great writer because I can picture everything in my head as I read along. Where is Spencer? Is she ok? They have to have a happily ever after because they’ve been through so much together. I love this story!

    12. I just re-read this story from the beginging because this is so good. And I wanted to “fill” in the blanks. I went by your “@=the past and **=the present” guide line and it made things alot easier for me so thank you. I’m sorry that Spencer can’t carry a child of her own because listening to Paula talk about how beautiful she was as a little girl made me want to cry. That was such a sweet flash back of Spence saying her prayers. This story is so beautiful and bitter sweet. Your a great writer because I can picture everything in my head as I read along. Where is Spencer? Is she ok? They have to have a happily ever after because they’ve been through so much together. I love this story!

    13. so i know i’m incredibly late but i just found this site a few months ago and i just came across your ff’s about a week ago… please continue!!! i’m totally loving your stories and i’m incredibly anxious to see what’s going on!!! please PMS!

    14. so i know i’m incredibly late but i just found this site a few months ago and i just came across your ff’s about a week ago… please continue!!! i’m totally loving your stories and i’m incredibly anxious to see what’s going on!!! please PMS!

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