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    The Unknown Place – (Chapter: Chapter 5: “Dance Dance”)

    Following after her Spencer slides out of the booth as well "I better keep an eye on her. Be right back."

    On there return to the booth Aiden and Jai are talking about something with flailing arms and playful yelling and Ashley decides she has sobered up a bit and is ready to dance. She abruptly pulls Spencer in the direction of the dance floor almost dragging her. "Ashley, what the-" and she is cut off by Ashley’s mesmerizing body moving to Gwen Stefani’s ‘Wind It Up.’

    She’s so caught up in her girlfriend’s rhythm that she doesn’t notice that she has stopped and is questioning her still body on the dance floor. "Uh…what. I totally spaced just then."

    "I asked why you weren’t dancing"

    "Not much in the mood to dance tonight. I just wanted to hang back and observe."

    "Hey remember what I told you about thinking earlier. Yeah now is a good time to use that and stop. Just stop thinking and relax Spence. It’s just me. Just us."

    ‘Love Me or Hate Me’ by Lady Sovereign comes on and the crowd goes insane. Ashley starts an almost slow grind to entice Spencer who relaxes to Ashley’s calm voice and slowly starts to move to the music getting lost in it.

    A Few songs later Spencer feels the day starting to wear her down "Babe, I’m tired" she says almost whining and throws in a pout for effect.

    "Aww hun. Just on more teeny tiny dance. Please" Ashley pleads as the song switches into ‘My Love’ by J. Timberlake.

    “Well…I do love this song. One more dance couldn’t hurt.”

    Ashley decides to push this as far as she can since Spence is so eager to leave. Ashley pulled as close to Spencer as she could and ground her hips into hers. Spencer’s eyes went wide and she pulled Ashley into a passionate kiss as her hands roamed to the hem of her shirt gently massaging the skin shown between it and the top of her jeans. Ashley growled at the sensation and moved her hands to Spencer’s backside and into her pockets squeezing lightly. The kiss broke for desperate need of air and Ashley resumed her attack on Spencer’s neck nipping and smoothing over the sensitive areas that drove her girl wild. They were completely lost in each other, bodies intertwined, gentle kisses being stolen and nips on various body parts. They were on fire.

    The song ends and ‘So Excited’ by Janet Jackson comes on but the girls are in a supernatural state where the upbeat pace doesn’t faze them.

    "Okay I’m soooo not tired anymore but we need to leave…like NOW!!!"

    "My pleasure"

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