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    The Unknown Place – (Chapter: Chapter 7: “Shopping & Chocolate Lovin'”)

    “Oh my God Jai…seriously…chocolate lovin’? I think that is supposed to be his way of telling you guys that Tish is this gorgeous black girl I met and I have never really had the desire to listen to rap but it’s pretty much all she listens to. It’s not all that bad…especially to dance to. Man she is so hot on the dance floor I can’t even explain it and you guys know I am good but I even have a hard time keeping up with her on the floor sometimes.”

    “Aww hun look I think he’s blushing” Spencer says as they all ‘ooh’ and ‘ahh’ and Ashley reaches over the armrest between them and pinches his cheeks.

    “Come on guys. Quit it.” Aiden tries but Spencer keeps telling him how cute it is that he actually has someone stable for the moment. “I guess. She is really sweet. I think we should all go out together. You know double date, you girls up for it?”

    “Sure, Ash?”

    “Cool with me.” Ashley says as Jai clears his throat rather loudly to make his presence known again.

    “Oh Jai man, I totally forgot about you, sorry. Would you wanna tag along with us and maybe bring one of your man candies that you keep hidden away.”

    “Oh whatever, screw you. I don’t want your pity and I do not keep them hidden…they just…well they’re always gone by morning is all. And sure I’d love to come. I’m not missing this for the world. It’s a once in a lifetime event when the Aide-meister has an actual date and leaves with someone planned instead of some random girl”

    “Coolness, and you’re an ass. I’ll run it by Tish and see what we can work out. Is anyone opposed to anything as far as the evenings plans.” With ‘no’s all around Aiden’s face pulled a tight and excited smile. “This is gonna be so sweet!” he exclaimed.

    “Aiden you are so lame”

    “Yeah but you all love me”

    Being the ass that he is Jai replied “I plead the fifth on that” while Spencer agreed but sent him a smirk telling him she was only joking. “Aww it’s okay Aiden. I still love you” Ashley told him but added “even though you are completely lame.”


    1. I stumbled upon this little gem and I’m disappointed that you haven’t updated in months. I love…love this story, it’s really great and has all the Spashley fluff without all the angst. I was especially looking forward to the fredericks of hollywood after party, if you know what I mean?

    2. I stumbled upon this little gem and I’m disappointed that you haven’t updated in months. I love…love this story, it’s really great and has all the Spashley fluff without all the angst. I was especially looking forward to the fredericks of hollywood after party, if you know what I mean?

    3. i just read all the chapters and i have to say you are hilarious. every chapter has a hilarious moment. it might not even really be funny, but i’m kinda sugar high so everything is funny right about now. i’m loving this story. pms

    4. i just read all the chapters and i have to say you are hilarious. every chapter has a hilarious moment. it might not even really be funny, but i’m kinda sugar high so everything is funny right about now. i’m loving this story. pms

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