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    The Unknown Place – (Chapter: Chapter 7: “Shopping & Chocolate Lovin'”)

    “Right. If we both get in there we’ll probably use twice as much water because we’ll never get out.”

    “True but it never hurts to try. Right?”

    “Never.” Ashley kisses Spencer on the lips and heads into the kitchen to make her sandwich.


    Ashley was dressed and waiting for Spencer who was still in the closet trying to find something of Ashley’s to wear. Ashley was ignoring Spencer as she started to drone on about something her mom was telling her about a surgery that went wrong or something. When she finally notices she is no longer being payed attention to Spencer walks out of the closet.

    “Ashley. Ashley! ASHLEY!”

    “Yeah, huh, what Spence?”

    “How do I look?”

    “Spence I always think you look great so that question is void when I answer it” Ashley replies never looking away from her magazine.

    “How sweet but really how do I look.” Spener says stepping out of the clost leaning on the door frame in only her undergarments that were black and sheer and left NOTHING to the imagination.

    Finally looking in Spencer’s direction Ashley does a double take at what she’s wearing…or not wearing as the magazine falls out of her hands to the floor. “I um…wow…you look…Spence when did you buy that?”

    “Today at the mall. I got a little excited and wandered into Fredrick’s” she says as nonchalantly as possible and walks across the room to the dresser to find a skirt to put on.

    Ashley gets on her hands and knees and places her hands together silently saying “Thank you God” and shuffles over in front of Spencer only to be pushed away.

    “What do you think you’re doing?” she says smirking at her girlfriend who is in shock leaning backwards on her hands on the floor.

    “Well I was trying to get you…

    “Stop there. We have to be gone in like 2 minutes and I still need to finish dressing. So you go…over there or something” as she point to the desk chair in the room.

    “Fucking tease” Ashley mumbles as she gets up and walks away.

    “I heard that and you should have been paying attention to me.”

    “I stick to my earlier statement and you will pay for that.”

    “yeah, yeah just keep it in your pants and we’ll be on our way just let me get a shirt on.”

    A few minutes later and they are out the door.


    1. I stumbled upon this little gem and I’m disappointed that you haven’t updated in months. I love…love this story, it’s really great and has all the Spashley fluff without all the angst. I was especially looking forward to the fredericks of hollywood after party, if you know what I mean?

    2. I stumbled upon this little gem and I’m disappointed that you haven’t updated in months. I love…love this story, it’s really great and has all the Spashley fluff without all the angst. I was especially looking forward to the fredericks of hollywood after party, if you know what I mean?

    3. i just read all the chapters and i have to say you are hilarious. every chapter has a hilarious moment. it might not even really be funny, but i’m kinda sugar high so everything is funny right about now. i’m loving this story. pms

    4. i just read all the chapters and i have to say you are hilarious. every chapter has a hilarious moment. it might not even really be funny, but i’m kinda sugar high so everything is funny right about now. i’m loving this story. pms

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