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    Thursdays – (Chapter: Music Lessons)


    “Ash what is the real reason your here?” Blue eyes stared at her inquisitively.


    “I came here to see you.” There was no flirtatious tone or any feeling of humor about it. It was a true, genuine statement and it made Spencer’s heart melt. “Come on let’s get outta here,” the brunette declared. She reached for Spencer’s arm and attempted to lead her towards the door, but soon stopped when she realized that no one was following.


    “Ash I can’t.”


    “Why not?” The brunette saw no problem in the two of them leaving. “Do you not want to?”


    “Of course I do,” Spencer replied. “But I already took my lunch break and I can’t just leave. This is my job.” She waved her hand around the room to indicate her point.


    “So skip,” Ashley stated simply.


    “What? No….I can’t.”


    “Why not? Spence do you always have to be the perfect person? I bet you were the good little girl in school; the teacher’s pet with pigtails and glasses who won the 5th grade spelling bee.”


    “Actually I got second. I used an extra ‘p’ in hippopotamus.”


    Ashley gave her one of those are you kidding me? looks. Then, with a loud huff, she made her way over towards Glenda. “Glenda, do you mind watching the place? Spencer isn’t feeling so well and I’m here to take her home.”


    The secretary simply nodded. She seemed too enthralled in her magazine to actually give a verbal response. Taking this as a good sign, Ashley once again attempted to lead the blonde toward the exit, and despite all protests, she was able to drag them both away from the building.


    The two walked outside in silence, soaking in the warm sun and just enjoying each other’s company. They decided to stop for coffee and a quick bite to eat. Out of plain fear, Ashley  had also made sure that her and Spencer didn’t go within a hundred yards of the restaurant by the pier.


    After coffee, the girls fell into easy conversation, and had decided to spend a good part of the afternoon going to anyplace they could find. However, after a while they were out of ideas.

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    1. Who hates christine? Anyone, anyone? OF COURSE WE DO. You write this story so well I’m seething with rage at Christine. I mean SEETHING. And I was totally in the moment with Spencer and Ashley, kind of a ghost moment you know. Now I’m thinking of the, I think it’s Ford, “german engineering just got sexy”. Knowing my luck they only show in Oz, oh well. WOW. So glad you’re back… or here for a second or… I’M GLAD YOU POSTED!

    2. Who hates christine? Anyone, anyone? OF COURSE WE DO. You write this story so well I’m seething with rage at Christine. I mean SEETHING. And I was totally in the moment with Spencer and Ashley, kind of a ghost moment you know. Now I’m thinking of the, I think it’s Ford, “german engineering just got sexy”. Knowing my luck they only show in Oz, oh well. WOW. So glad you’re back… or here for a second or… I’M GLAD YOU POSTED!

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