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    Thursdays – (Chapter: Music Lessons)


    “So where do you want to go?” Ashley stopped under a tree, and waited for the blonde to respond.


    “I don’t know. You kidnapped me. I thought you were supposed to be the big tour guide.”


    “Ya well the tour guide is out of ideas.”


    “Well than I guess I should go back to work.” Spencer couldn’t help but laugh at the look of disbelief on the other girl’s face. “Bye Ash.” She proceeded to walk away.


    “No wait!” Ashley reached out a hand to stop her.


    “Hmmm?” There was pure amusement in the blonde’s tone, as she had no intention of actually leaving. Realizing this, Ashley felt like a complete dork.


    “I have a place I can show you,” the brunette stated. Oh well, she would take her anyway.




    Some time later they arrived in front of  a random building. Saying that Spencer was utterly confused would be an understatement. This building wasn’t even open, but it was up for sale. The windows were cracked and broken, and bricks were falling off of the exterior. Peering inside, the place was completely dusty. Half of the floor was missing, and the rest of it looked like it needed to be replaced.


    “What are we doing here?” Those were the only words that Spencer could sputter out regarding the horror in front of her.


    “You’ll see.” Ashley pulled out a key and unlocked the door. With a strong tug, she pulled it opened, and the two stepped inside. “This is the reason for the legal issues with my mother.”


    Spencer was speechless. She had no idea why this place could cause such controversy.


    “This is the only reason why I’m fighting her,” Ashley continued. “When my dad passed away, his will stated that I received….well….a lot of money. But I couldn’t get that money till I was 18. Until then, my mom had complete control of the fund. When my birthday finally came though, the court wouldn’t permit it to be given to me, because my mom wanted to legally fight for it. She was saying that the money was rightfully hers, something about, that since I was a minor at receiving the inheritance, the money goes into a family trust at my best interest.”

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    1. Who hates christine? Anyone, anyone? OF COURSE WE DO. You write this story so well I’m seething with rage at Christine. I mean SEETHING. And I was totally in the moment with Spencer and Ashley, kind of a ghost moment you know. Now I’m thinking of the, I think it’s Ford, “german engineering just got sexy”. Knowing my luck they only show in Oz, oh well. WOW. So glad you’re back… or here for a second or… I’M GLAD YOU POSTED!

    2. Who hates christine? Anyone, anyone? OF COURSE WE DO. You write this story so well I’m seething with rage at Christine. I mean SEETHING. And I was totally in the moment with Spencer and Ashley, kind of a ghost moment you know. Now I’m thinking of the, I think it’s Ford, “german engineering just got sexy”. Knowing my luck they only show in Oz, oh well. WOW. So glad you’re back… or here for a second or… I’M GLAD YOU POSTED!

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