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    Thursdays – (Chapter: Music Lessons)


    Spencer could see the anger raging behind chocolate brown eyes. “Ash,” she tried to comfort but what soon cut off.


    “No it’s fine Spence,” the brunette lightly stated. “I wouldn’t even bother with it if it weren’t for this place. But I need that money to fix this building up. It’s starting to look hopeless though. I mean we’ve already been fighting for years over it.”


    “What’s the building for?” Spencer was curious.


    “Music.” Ashley’s eyes lit up and she instantly grew a smile on her face. “I want to turn this place into a music center.” The brunette raised her hand and pointed to a far wall. “Over there is going to be a place where you can buy instruments. The rest of it is going to be open. People can come in and take lessons on various instruments. They can also just come to play if they want. You know, like kids who’ve started a band and don’t have a place to practice. They can come here.”


    Spencer took a second to finally note how big the place really was. The main room was huge and open. Then, off toward the back, there were several individual rooms too. “Wow Ash. This is great.” Spencer was absorbing some of the other girl’s enthusiasm.


    “I’ve had my eye on this place for a few years, but I need the money to get it going.” There was both excitement and disappointment laced within the girl’s words.


    Still looking around the room, Spencer caught sight of a guitar in the corner. “Do you play?” She was curious.


    “Ya I do.” She finally noticed what the blonde had been staring at.


    “Play something for me.” Spencer was desperate to hear her play. If she was anywhere near as good with a guitar as she was a singer, than she knew it would be amazing.


    Ashley walked over to the corner, and picked up the guitar. After brushing some dust off of the instrument, she grabbed a stool and sat down to play. Spencer’s heart fluttered when she heard the musician begin to strum the chords. Whether is was out of excitement or something else, she didn’t know. But the blonde definitely sat in anticipation.

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    1. Who hates christine? Anyone, anyone? OF COURSE WE DO. You write this story so well I’m seething with rage at Christine. I mean SEETHING. And I was totally in the moment with Spencer and Ashley, kind of a ghost moment you know. Now I’m thinking of the, I think it’s Ford, “german engineering just got sexy”. Knowing my luck they only show in Oz, oh well. WOW. So glad you’re back… or here for a second or… I’M GLAD YOU POSTED!

    2. Who hates christine? Anyone, anyone? OF COURSE WE DO. You write this story so well I’m seething with rage at Christine. I mean SEETHING. And I was totally in the moment with Spencer and Ashley, kind of a ghost moment you know. Now I’m thinking of the, I think it’s Ford, “german engineering just got sexy”. Knowing my luck they only show in Oz, oh well. WOW. So glad you’re back… or here for a second or… I’M GLAD YOU POSTED!

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