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    Thursdays – (Chapter: Music Lessons)


    After tuning everything just right, Ashley began her song. The notes where magical and brought Spencer to a whole other place. What was even more compelling was the brunette’s voice. Although she had heard her sing once before, Spencer was still amazed. At that very moment, the two girls seemed to be soaring with angels. Nothing in the world was more beautiful than what was coming from that corner of the run-down building.


    When Ashley was done, Spencer was left in awe, a few tears at the  corner of her eyes. She didn’t know if she could speak. “Ash…that was…that….” Spencer couldn’t emit more than a stutter.


    To this, Ashley simply laughed. “Thanks Spence.” She made her way over to the blonde. “Have you ever thought about learning?”


    “Not a chance. I’m not talented enough to do anything like that.” Spencer found the idea of her ever being a musical genius absurd.


    “Oh come on, it’s not that bad,” Ashley persisted. “I’ll teach you.”


    “No way.” Was this girl crazy?


    “Come on. It’s easy.” Ashley led Spencer over to the stool and sat her down. “Here now take this.” She handed her the guitar.


    Spencer couldn’t lie. She was absolutely nervous. Everything in her was screaming not to look like an idiot.


    “Here now I’m going to show you how to hold it,” the brunette stated. Ashley seemed like she would be the perfect teacher.


    Whatever else she had to say though was instantly lost on Spencer the moment the brunette wrapped her arm around the other girl. Ashley took both of Spencer’s hands in her own, and proceeded to place them in their proper position. Spencer faintly heard the musician saying something about chords, but the blonde was oblivious to anything but Ashley’s hands in her own. She could feel the brunette’s breath on her ear as she muttered lessons to the sitting girl, and Spencer’s insides were going crazy. Her heart was beating a mile a minute, and she was feeling very nervous, but not for the same reason as before.


    Spencer soon found herself wanting that moment to never end, but before she could actually process what she was thinking, a cell phone went off. Soft hands were removed from her own, and Ashley stepped away from the beginning guitarist. To Spencer, the room felt a lot colder. After having what seemed to be a very frustrated conversation on the phone, Ashley slammed the phone shut and turned towards Spencer, an apologetic look in her eye.


    “Spence I am so sorry. But I have to go.” Her words seemed sincere. “Can we meet up again some time?”


    “Ya sure.” The blonde felt sorry to see the other girl go.


    “Thanks Spence. I had a lot of fun today.” And then she was gone.




    Ashley ran up and through the courthouse doors. On the other side though, she stopped dead in her tracks. There before her, was her mother standing tall and proud. Ashley had never seen a smugger look on any other person’s face in her life.

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    1. Who hates christine? Anyone, anyone? OF COURSE WE DO. You write this story so well I’m seething with rage at Christine. I mean SEETHING. And I was totally in the moment with Spencer and Ashley, kind of a ghost moment you know. Now I’m thinking of the, I think it’s Ford, “german engineering just got sexy”. Knowing my luck they only show in Oz, oh well. WOW. So glad you’re back… or here for a second or… I’M GLAD YOU POSTED!

    2. Who hates christine? Anyone, anyone? OF COURSE WE DO. You write this story so well I’m seething with rage at Christine. I mean SEETHING. And I was totally in the moment with Spencer and Ashley, kind of a ghost moment you know. Now I’m thinking of the, I think it’s Ford, “german engineering just got sexy”. Knowing my luck they only show in Oz, oh well. WOW. So glad you’re back… or here for a second or… I’M GLAD YOU POSTED!

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