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    Thursdays – (Chapter: Time Stands Still)


    “Darling, Judge Harrison is going to the judge that oversees our case. Isn’t that great?”


    Her smile made you want to bash your head in with whatever object closest. Ashley attempted to sputter out words but was soon cut off.


    “When I heard that she was in this area, I requested her personally,” her mother’s triumphant voice seemed to never fade.




    The strong smell of an espresso seemed to wake her senses. Ashley sat at the small table in the shop. She sipped her coffee and watched as people whizzed by her, mindlessly living their carefree lives. In that moment, the brunette would have given anything to switch places with any one of them. Looking outside, she decided that she would even switch places with the roaming dog that had nothing better to do than pee on a sign.


    Finally ready for an attempt at sleep, Ashley proceeded to walk home. Nothing about her trip had been helpful. The walk didn’t relax her, the air wasn’t freshening, and the coffee did nothing to soothe her troubled soul. The entire hour had been a waste, and now Ashley was left where she had begun; alone in her room, there was nothing to do but lay on her bed and think. Closing her eyes she could only hear the familiar voices.



    “It’s good to finally meet you Ashley.”


    Judge Harrison, Julie apparently, stepped towards the brunette  with the most bubbly smile. From an outside perspective this woman appeared to be the sweetest of her kind. If she was friends with her mother however, than Ashley knew that there must be more to the woman than meets the eye. The older lady continued in her same perky tone.


    “I’ve heard a lot about this case, and I have to say I’m very intrigued. I look forward to seeing you both in the court room.”


    “It’s been a pleasure seeing you again Julie,” Christine had interrupted.


    “Yes it has. Well, I better be off. I hope to hear from you and your mother again soon Ashley.” And with that, Judge Harrison disappeared.


    Christine’s previously nice, charming demeanor faded as quickly as the door was shut. She charged towards Ashley with hate burning in her eyes. Just as she looked like she was about to pounce, her mother once again fell into a calm state, and her confident smile reappeared.

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    1. oH MY God, an update! Hahaha. Um Ashley needs to make a motion to change judges, there is an conflict of interest, the motion would be granted. I don’t get it, you can’t contest trust, well you can, but Christine wouldn’t win. Ash is Raife’s real daughter, he was in her life, she’s not a drug addict it, and she is of age, that’s no contest. But its your fic, so I guess. Good update, hope you feel better soon.

    2. oH MY God, an update! Hahaha. Um Ashley needs to make a motion to change judges, there is an conflict of interest, the motion would be granted. I don’t get it, you can’t contest trust, well you can, but Christine wouldn’t win. Ash is Raife’s real daughter, he was in her life, she’s not a drug addict it, and she is of age, that’s no contest. But its your fic, so I guess. Good update, hope you feel better soon.

    3. you’re back!! YAY!!! amazinggg update! fooor sure! ugh. ashleys mom…run her over with a bus. be done with it haha! thats my solution for characters i dont like. i run them over with buses. its quite fun if i do say so myself.

    4. you’re back!! YAY!!! amazinggg update! fooor sure! ugh. ashleys mom…run her over with a bus. be done with it haha! thats my solution for characters i dont like. i run them over with buses. its quite fun if i do say so myself.

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