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    Thursdays – (Chapter: Time Stands Still)


    “See Darling. There’s nothing you can do,” she said. “You have failed to remain in a room long enough for negotiations, and I have some of the most influential people on my side. You can’t win honey, so don’t even try.”


    Ashley was on the verge of bursting into tears, from anger or sadness she didn’t know. Leaving her daughter to her thoughts, Christine stomped out of the room, slamming the door behind her.


    The last sound that Ashley heard before leaving was the sound of a hammering gavel. The pounding noise  seemed to be foreshadowing her defeat.




    After such a bad day, a horrible night was inevitable. Sleep never came, and Ashley found herself stirring in the early hours. At this point, she felt as though she would break, and the brunette didn’t know what to do. Her world was falling apart. Ashley was out walking before the sun even rose, and she wandered the city till midmorning. With the loss of a destination point, she was merely roaming nowhere. After a while though, she soon realized that she was on a familiar path.





    Spencer let out a long sigh. The day had been long, busy, and stressful. Phones continued to ring, and the blonde had had several run-ins with unhappy patients. Ready to feel the real world, she said her goodbyes to Glenda  and headed for the door. Taking a step into the fresh air, Spencer began her journey home. Within the first few feet however, she tripped and barely caught herself before crashing into the ground. When she looked for the object responsible Spencer noticed that it was a human leg. Her gaze slowly traveled up to find its owner.


    “Ashley? What are you doing-” She stopped her sentence after noticing the girl’s tear streaked face. “Ash what’s wrong?”


    The brunette looked up at her with a sorrowful expression. “Sp…Sp…Spencer…I’m….g…gonna lose it…she’s gonna take ev…everything.”


    At that moment the blonde could feel her heart break. The sight before her made her question the good in the world. When there is something that is so terrible that it turns a once confident, funny, and flirtatious person into the object before her, there is definitely something wrong.

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    1. oH MY God, an update! Hahaha. Um Ashley needs to make a motion to change judges, there is an conflict of interest, the motion would be granted. I don’t get it, you can’t contest trust, well you can, but Christine wouldn’t win. Ash is Raife’s real daughter, he was in her life, she’s not a drug addict it, and she is of age, that’s no contest. But its your fic, so I guess. Good update, hope you feel better soon.

    2. oH MY God, an update! Hahaha. Um Ashley needs to make a motion to change judges, there is an conflict of interest, the motion would be granted. I don’t get it, you can’t contest trust, well you can, but Christine wouldn’t win. Ash is Raife’s real daughter, he was in her life, she’s not a drug addict it, and she is of age, that’s no contest. But its your fic, so I guess. Good update, hope you feel better soon.

    3. you’re back!! YAY!!! amazinggg update! fooor sure! ugh. ashleys mom…run her over with a bus. be done with it haha! thats my solution for characters i dont like. i run them over with buses. its quite fun if i do say so myself.

    4. you’re back!! YAY!!! amazinggg update! fooor sure! ugh. ashleys mom…run her over with a bus. be done with it haha! thats my solution for characters i dont like. i run them over with buses. its quite fun if i do say so myself.

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