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    Thursdays – (Chapter: Time Stands Still)


    Spencer was speechless. Words couldn’t describe the emotions that were running through her body. Not knowing what to do, she simply reached out her hand, hoisting the other girl up and pulling her into a tight embrace. Ashley clung to her for life and started crying.



    A while later , the girls had eventually moved to the beach. They sat in the same spot as they had before and let the waves wash away all form of thought. After a long silence, Ashley had relayed all the details of her horrifying experience.


    “She’s gonna take it all Spence. Especially with the judge, the entire case will be in her pocket. And the worst part is she’ll probably just use that money to take vacations with her latest male conquer.”


    Since Spencer had first spotted the girl on the ground, Ashley’s mood had changed from one that was upset to intense anger. The blonde couldn’t blame her either. In fact, it angered Spencer to think of Ashley’s mother wasting away money that her daughter wanted to use for the community’s good. How could that be justice?


    “It’s okay Ash. We’ll find a way to get around it.” Although Spencer was doing her best to comfort the other girl, she had no idea how they could possibly get around the situation.


    “Spence, can we just talk about something else? I’m sick of thinking about it.”


    “Sure.” Spencer still looked worried.


    The two sat in an awkward silence, neither knowing what to say. Finally the small conversations began. Ashley seemed to ease up, which made Spencer feel a lot better. For the longest time they sat and talked about everything under the sun, almost no topic was off limits.


    “So…how was work?” the brunette began.


    Spencer thought for a moment and then smiled. “Well, one guy went psycho on me today.”


    Ashley let out a small chuckle. “Why?”


    The blonde began to tell the strange story. Apparently some guy went on a rampage because of the way the office looked. He said that the way it was decorated was insulting to patients, and that its overall appearance made him nauseous. Supposedly, by the time he got in to see the therapist the man felt sick.

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    1. oH MY God, an update! Hahaha. Um Ashley needs to make a motion to change judges, there is an conflict of interest, the motion would be granted. I don’t get it, you can’t contest trust, well you can, but Christine wouldn’t win. Ash is Raife’s real daughter, he was in her life, she’s not a drug addict it, and she is of age, that’s no contest. But its your fic, so I guess. Good update, hope you feel better soon.

    2. oH MY God, an update! Hahaha. Um Ashley needs to make a motion to change judges, there is an conflict of interest, the motion would be granted. I don’t get it, you can’t contest trust, well you can, but Christine wouldn’t win. Ash is Raife’s real daughter, he was in her life, she’s not a drug addict it, and she is of age, that’s no contest. But its your fic, so I guess. Good update, hope you feel better soon.

    3. you’re back!! YAY!!! amazinggg update! fooor sure! ugh. ashleys mom…run her over with a bus. be done with it haha! thats my solution for characters i dont like. i run them over with buses. its quite fun if i do say so myself.

    4. you’re back!! YAY!!! amazinggg update! fooor sure! ugh. ashleys mom…run her over with a bus. be done with it haha! thats my solution for characters i dont like. i run them over with buses. its quite fun if i do say so myself.

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