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    Thursdays – (Chapter: Time Stands Still)


    By this point Ashley was clearly amused. “I tried to warn you about those brown couches. They’re dangerous.” She continued to erupt into laughter.


    “But seriously,” Spencer said. “I thought this man was going to rip my head off because of poor interior design!”


    Ashley sat there for a moment thinking the story over. “Do you ever wonder why people get so worked up over such little things?” she said.


    “I don’t know.” Spencer looked at her confused, curious to where the conversation was headed. “Why?”


    “Well, it’s just people spend their lives worrying over stuff they shouldn’t,” the brunette continued. They try to change things that isn’t even theirs, and even though they know it doesn’t belong to them, they try to have it anyway. That guy, it’s not his office and he has no right to complain about it. Still, he wants to take over and manipulate it for himself.”


    Spencer’s omniscient look expressed deep sympathy. “You’re thinking about your mom aren’t you?”


    Ashley’s silence spoke words that her mouth couldn’t. Her dark brown eyes displayed endless sadness. Their friendly conversation had somehow turned and made its way back to the beginning, and the whole ordeal appeared to be eating the musician up and inside. Spencer had no clue how to make it better. However, being next to the girl in that sorrowful state was still comforting to the blonde. Even depressed, there seemed to be a strength radiating from the brunette that Spencer could absorb. She always felt better when she was around Ashley, and time stood still while they were together. Still searching for soothing words, Spencer was surprised when Ashley smiled.


    “Thanks Spence.”


    “For what?” she asked. “I didn’t do anything.”


    Ashley gave a small laugh. “You did. If it wasn’t for you I’d probably still be crashed on a street corner somewhere.”


    The two started to stand, ready to go their separate ways.


    “Well than I guess I’m just amazing,” Spencer grinned.


    “Ok, you have definitely been around me too much,” Ashley laughed. She looked at her serious for a moment. “But ya, you are.”


    Spencer gave a small smile, suddenly feeling very nervous under the intense brown gaze. They stared at each other for an instant until Ashley leaned in. Spencer moved towards the other girl, but before they met she stopped herself and took a step back. Overwhelmed, she tried to walk away, but felt a strong pull on her arm.


    “Why do you always run?” she heard Ashley ask. Her voice wasn’t mad, or even upset. It was caring and filled with every bit of warmth.


    “I…I…” Spencer stuttered. She couldn’t form any coherent thoughts, much less words.


    “Spence, I would never hurt you.” Ashley’s soothing voice was stirring Spencer’s insides. “Just….tell me if you don’t feel anything…”


    At that moment, Ashley seemed more vulnerable than the blonde had ever seen her. Spencer looked into her chocolate eyes and could see the genuine concern inside of them. It made her feel safe and cared for. That one, strong stare also helped Spencer finally accept the feelings that had been swarming inside of her. She couldn’t think of any words to say. Instead, she just turned around and crashed her lips into Ashley’s.


    In that moment both girls felt everything connect. The two were separated from the rest of the world as they kissed passionately. Spencer felt her inhibitions slowly fade away, and she just tangled her hands into curly brown locks as she stood there for what seemed like an eternity. Time truly stood still when she was with Ashley.


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    1. oH MY God, an update! Hahaha. Um Ashley needs to make a motion to change judges, there is an conflict of interest, the motion would be granted. I don’t get it, you can’t contest trust, well you can, but Christine wouldn’t win. Ash is Raife’s real daughter, he was in her life, she’s not a drug addict it, and she is of age, that’s no contest. But its your fic, so I guess. Good update, hope you feel better soon.

    2. oH MY God, an update! Hahaha. Um Ashley needs to make a motion to change judges, there is an conflict of interest, the motion would be granted. I don’t get it, you can’t contest trust, well you can, but Christine wouldn’t win. Ash is Raife’s real daughter, he was in her life, she’s not a drug addict it, and she is of age, that’s no contest. But its your fic, so I guess. Good update, hope you feel better soon.

    3. you’re back!! YAY!!! amazinggg update! fooor sure! ugh. ashleys mom…run her over with a bus. be done with it haha! thats my solution for characters i dont like. i run them over with buses. its quite fun if i do say so myself.

    4. you’re back!! YAY!!! amazinggg update! fooor sure! ugh. ashleys mom…run her over with a bus. be done with it haha! thats my solution for characters i dont like. i run them over with buses. its quite fun if i do say so myself.

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