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    Time Doesn’t Exist. Clocks Exist. – (Chapter: Ch.10: Spencer, Meet Your Answered Wishes)

    Pushing it open, trying to make as little noise as possible, she stepped inside and shut the door behind her, turning the lock until it clicked. She could hear someone throwing up and with a quick look under the stalls to make sure they didn’t have any other intruders she followed the sounds to the first door. Thankfully the stall was wide open, although Spencer was fully prepared to crawl underneath if need be.

    The sight in front of the blonde nearly broke her heart. Ashley was slouched on the floor, arms draped over the toilet seat and brunette hair falling in front of her face, heaving every few seconds in between sobs. Upon instinct, Spencer immediately crouched down next to the poor girl and pulled her hair back with her left hand. Using her other hand to rub up and down Ashley’s back, attempting to comfort her, Spencer’s actions seemed to have the opposite effect, the brunette vomiting and sobbing even more. The blonde didn’t know what to do, or even what had caused this. Sure, Ashley had a few drinks, but nothing she shouldn’t have been able to handle. The heaving seemed to stop and Spencer was even able to wipe her mouth of without objection.

    After a few more minutes of rubbing and chanting, “Shh. It’s okay, it’s okay…” the brunette in her arms gradually stilled, her head still locked downwards. Spencer wasn’t sure what she should say or do, or even if she should say or do anything at all. A few minutes of awkwardness passed and the blonde was beginning to wonder if Ashley had fallen asleep in her arms.

    “Hey, Ash,” she murmured quietly, just loud enough to break the barrier of silence between them but not too loud that she would startle the girl.

    A moment passed, then two.

    “Please…” she heard a sob choked voice whisper, “Not now Spence.”

    If her heart wasn’t broken before…

    “Hey, hey, hey. It’s okay. We don’t need to talk about any of that stuff now, okay? Let’s just get you home, alright?”

    With a small nod for affirmation, Spencer slowly raised herself and Ashley up until they were standing, not an easy task, and attempted to put her arm under the brunette’s to make sure she wouldn’t fall over on their way out. Apparently Ashley didn’t think she needed the help because she immediately jolted away from the blonde, backing herself against the side of the stall.

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    1. ashleys in looooove, and NOT with the aid-meisterrr hahaha. oh snap whats gonna happen when they get back to the cabin?! oh lordy…you need to update soon! i’m so sad without this story.

    2. I was just wondering about this story earlier today and then…poof, you update. Great update! I’m just wondering why Ashley is fighting this so hard. I wonder how she really feels about Aiden. I think I already know how she feels about Spencer. PMS!

    3. Haha. Yeah man, this is what I’m talking about. You are the freaking best. I just can not get enough of this story. Keep up the good work, and make things right between Spashley. Please? :] You rock.

    4. ashleys in looooove, and NOT with the aid-meisterrr hahaha. oh snap whats gonna happen when they get back to the cabin?! oh lordy…you need to update soon! i’m so sad without this story.

    5. I was just wondering about this story earlier today and then…poof, you update. Great update! I’m just wondering why Ashley is fighting this so hard. I wonder how she really feels about Aiden. I think I already know how she feels about Spencer. PMS!

    6. Haha. Yeah man, this is what I’m talking about. You are the freaking best. I just can not get enough of this story. Keep up the good work, and make things right between Spashley. Please? :] You rock.

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