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    Time Doesn’t Exist. Clocks Exist. – (Chapter: Ch.10: Spencer, Meet Your Answered Wishes)

    “I got it.”

    Spencer understood, because if Ashley felt even the slightest bit of the unnerving shock she felt every time they touched, it would be harmful instead of helpful in this situation.

    Holding the door open and letting Ashley go first, Spencer didn’t take her eyes off that brunette head of hair all the way through the club until they reached Patrick, just finishing his phone call.

    Closing his phone, he smiled when he saw the girls coming his way. His smile quickly turned into a look of worrisome when he noticed that there was something obviously wrong.

    “What’s going on?”

    “Hey, Ashley’s pretty sick; we need to get her home.”

    “Okay, I’ll run and get the car-”

    “Aiden…” Both Spencer and Patrick were surprised by the silent girl’s sudden speech.

    “Oh, right…” Patrick replied, “I’ll go look for him. Why don’t you guys go sit outside for a minute. You look like you could use the fresh air.”

    Spencer turned to Ashley and saw that she was already heading outside. With a shrug to Patrick she jogged a few steps to catch up to the girl.

    By the time the blonde caught up, Ashley was already situated on a bench by the side of the club. After taking a minute to debate whether she should join her, Spencer did, but on the opposite end. No words were spoken.

    A few minutes later, Spencer’s curiosity got the best of her and she leaned forward ever so slightly in her seat and had to restrain a giggle when she saw Ashley, head leaning back against the wall, mouth wide open, and letting out a tiny snore every few breaths. She also noticed that with every inhale and exhale, the brunette would lean a bit more toward her left. Not wanting her to fall over (yeah, that’s the reason), Spencer scooted over a few inches at a time to her right until she was so close she could smell Ashley’s perfume. Putting her shoulder right in the path of the brunette’s head for when it inevitably would fall, she knew it was only a waiting game now.

    2 minutes and one unusually large breath later, Spencer got her wish. The brown head of hair she had become so familiar with slowly but surely lowered itself down onto Spencer’s shoulder. Instead of startling the girl awake like the blonde was afraid it would, Ashley unconsciously burrowed her head just a bit deeper into the crevice between Spencer’s neck and shoulder until she let out a satisfied sigh and began her inhale, exhale, snore routine once again.

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    1. ashleys in looooove, and NOT with the aid-meisterrr hahaha. oh snap whats gonna happen when they get back to the cabin?! oh lordy…you need to update soon! i’m so sad without this story.

    2. I was just wondering about this story earlier today and then…poof, you update. Great update! I’m just wondering why Ashley is fighting this so hard. I wonder how she really feels about Aiden. I think I already know how she feels about Spencer. PMS!

    3. Haha. Yeah man, this is what I’m talking about. You are the freaking best. I just can not get enough of this story. Keep up the good work, and make things right between Spashley. Please? :] You rock.

    4. ashleys in looooove, and NOT with the aid-meisterrr hahaha. oh snap whats gonna happen when they get back to the cabin?! oh lordy…you need to update soon! i’m so sad without this story.

    5. I was just wondering about this story earlier today and then…poof, you update. Great update! I’m just wondering why Ashley is fighting this so hard. I wonder how she really feels about Aiden. I think I already know how she feels about Spencer. PMS!

    6. Haha. Yeah man, this is what I’m talking about. You are the freaking best. I just can not get enough of this story. Keep up the good work, and make things right between Spashley. Please? :] You rock.

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