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    Time Doesn’t Exist. Clocks Exist. – (Chapter: Ch.10: Spencer, Meet Your Answered Wishes)

    Patrick came out of the club and saw the two girls sitting there, in peace, one leaning on the other as if their bodies were made for that very act. Feeling as if he was intruding on an intimate moment, he wasn’t sure what to do. Making the choice that getting Ashley home as soon as possible was the best decision, he walked over to the bench and took a seat next to Spencer.



    Silence. Man, was this awkward.

    “So, where’s Aiden?”

    “Oh, I still couldn’t find him. One of the workers said he thought he saw him go in the back a bit ago. Apparently they play some big stakes poker games back there. He said he might be gone for a while.”

    “Seriously? His sick girlfriend is out here practically passing out and he’s playing a card game?” Spencer tried to be as loud as she could without waking the girl on her shoulder.

    “I know, I know. Look, why don’t you take her back in the car and when I finally get Aiden we’ll take a cab back?”

    “I don’t know how to get back though.”

    “Oh, right. Okay, well, I guess just take a cab and we’ll take the car back in a bit.”


    Patrick called the cab company, informed Spencer that they would be here in 5, and with a final kiss on her head and a “Call me if you need anything,” he was gone. This left Spencer with the lovely task of waking the girl on her shoulder. Don’t get her wrong, she didn’t want to wake her, but she thought Ashley might think it a little weird if she woke up and realized she was being carried into a cab by a 5’4” blonde girl.


    No answer.

    “Ash, babe?”

    Whoa, babe? Where the hell did that come from? Apparently Ashley was thinking the same thing because at that exact moment, sleepy brown eyes emerged from their hibernation and a small smile was forming on her face. However, after taking a moment to realize where she was and what had transpired within the last few hours, her head shot up. Not quite the smartest thing to do, she realized, as she immediately brought her hand to her head, closed her eyes again and let out a groan of pain.

    “Yeah…” Spencer said quietly as to not make the girls head any worse, “Might not want to do that.”

    Another groan was the only reply she received.

    “Okay, well, a cab’s here for us. Aiden and Patrick are gonna bring the car back a little later. Do you think you can walk to the car?”

    With a small nod of the head as an answer, the brunette stood up, a bit wobbley, but managed to make it over to the cab. Spencer opened the door for her and shut it after she got in. Walking over to the other side and getting in herself, she gave the cabbie their address and they were off. Wondering if she was going to get a repeat of the events on the bench, her questions were answered by Ashley leaning her head against the window, not even letting Spencer look her in the eye.

    Spencer figured that Ashley fell asleep as soon as the ride started. The brunette didn’t move at all and her breaths were even and slow. However, if she could see Ashley’s face, she would see that for the entire hour and eleven minutes of that bumpy taxi drive, her eyes were wide open, staring at herself in the window, wondering what the hell she was going to do.

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    1. ashleys in looooove, and NOT with the aid-meisterrr hahaha. oh snap whats gonna happen when they get back to the cabin?! oh lordy…you need to update soon! i’m so sad without this story.

    2. I was just wondering about this story earlier today and then…poof, you update. Great update! I’m just wondering why Ashley is fighting this so hard. I wonder how she really feels about Aiden. I think I already know how she feels about Spencer. PMS!

    3. Haha. Yeah man, this is what I’m talking about. You are the freaking best. I just can not get enough of this story. Keep up the good work, and make things right between Spashley. Please? :] You rock.

    4. ashleys in looooove, and NOT with the aid-meisterrr hahaha. oh snap whats gonna happen when they get back to the cabin?! oh lordy…you need to update soon! i’m so sad without this story.

    5. I was just wondering about this story earlier today and then…poof, you update. Great update! I’m just wondering why Ashley is fighting this so hard. I wonder how she really feels about Aiden. I think I already know how she feels about Spencer. PMS!

    6. Haha. Yeah man, this is what I’m talking about. You are the freaking best. I just can not get enough of this story. Keep up the good work, and make things right between Spashley. Please? :] You rock.

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