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    Time Doesn’t Exist. Clocks Exist. – (Chapter: Ch.5: Spencer, Meet Walt Whitman)

    She regained her breath, but her anger remained.

    “What the hell is wrong with you, Patrick? You scared the shit out of me!”

    “I’m so sorry, I was just trying to figure out a way to get your attention without freaking you out.”

    Wow. Nice job there, Patrick. No, seriously, top notch work. Goal achieved you crazy motherf….breathe. In. Out. In. Out.

    “What,” she took a deep breath in, “do you want?”

    “I just wanted to let you know that, um, we were going to go down to this fishing store in town, um, if you wanted to go.”

    Spencer gave him a look that was laced with an obvious answer.

    “So, um, I’ll take that as a no. Um, we shouldn’t be gone too long, so, um, again, sorry for startling you.”

    With a tentative kiss on her head he was gone, and the bathroom was as silent as it was before. Spencer figured this was a sign that she should finish up, so with a quick rinse off in the shower and a check to make sure her heart was still beating, she was done. Wrapping the towel around her body and carefully walking into her bedroom, all she could think about was how nice it would be to have a few hours of quiet, alone time. Not that she didn’t like her new housemates, but she was just used to having a lot more personal space. It was going to take some time, that’s all.

    As she released her towel, she opened what she thought was her suitcase, and instead stumbled upon some very different, very revealing, very not-Spencer female clothes.

    Damnit, Patrick! Even when you’re not here, you’re annoying me!

    Earlier in the day, Patrick, being the gentleman that he was, offered to take both couples suitcases inside. However, as he did often lack in common sense, he forgot to check the luggage tags upon placing them in their rooms.

    Spencer, with a loud, yet useless huff, wrapped the towel back around herself, zipped up the baggage in front of her, plopped it off the bed, and dragged it out the bedroom door, heading towards the other side of the cabin. As she creaked open the door to Aiden and Ashley’s bedroom, she spotted her suitcase in the corner, but she couldn’t help but take a look around. She assumed the couple had vacationed here before, evident by the pictures of them around the room.

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    1. and so the flirtatious banter begins. good stuff! Hey Cardinal! I look forward to reading more of this whenever it is you plan to post next – I’m enjoying it muchly. Will be interesting to see how their relationship blossoms when they’re both apparently straight and in the company of the respective partners. I see fun times ahead! more please! Jx

    2. and so the flirtatious banter begins. good stuff! Hey Cardinal! I look forward to reading more of this whenever it is you plan to post next – I’m enjoying it muchly. Will be interesting to see how their relationship blossoms when they’re both apparently straight and in the company of the respective partners. I see fun times ahead! more please! Jx

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