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    Time Doesn’t Exist. Clocks Exist. – (Chapter: Ch.5: Spencer, Meet Walt Whitman)

    Gah. They were so cute together. All cuddly. And in love. It kind of made Spencer want to gag.

    She held in that reflex, however, and continued around the room. She spotted a copy of Whitman’s Leaves of Grass on one of the end tables and picked it up. Ever since she was first introduced to Whitman in high school English class, Spencer always held a small place in her heart for the man and his incredible, almost magical writings. Flipping through the obviously well worn pages, she took notice of the many notes in the margins, underlining, and dog-earned corners.

    “I take it with me everywhere.”

    “FUCK!” Spencer’s head shot up to meet a grinning Ashley standing in the doorway of the room.

    What was it with these people and scaring the bejesus out of me?

    As soon as she felt her heart regain some sort of normal rhythm, the rest of her senses kicked in and she evaluated her situation. She was sitting, only wrapped in a towel, on some stranger’s bed, looking through their private thoughts. Fuck was right.

    “Oh my gosh, I am so sorry,” Spencer stumbled out, quickly closing the book and placing it back on the end table, “I thought everyone was gone, and the suitcase, it was yours, and I was taking a bath, and the clothes, they weren’t mine, and the book, the book looked nice, and…”

    “Spencer,” Ashley interrupted.

    The blonde lifted her head up like a puppy whose owners just came back into town to find a little surprise waiting for them.

    “It’s okay,” she said lightly with a  laugh, “I mean, it’s not often I walk in my room and find a half naked woman reading Walt Whitman on my bed, and by not often I mean never, but hey, I made an ass out of myself earlier, remember?”

    Spencer let a little smile shine through as she recalled the brunette’s earlier actions.

    “Well, now we’re even. We’re equal asses, and in my world, two asses cancel each other out. So, there. We’re good, see?”

    "Yeah, but I really am sorry, I mean I didn’t mean to–”

    “Hey, it’s fine. I mean, it definitely wasn’t the worst view to have walked in on,” Ashley interrupted with a huge smile.

    Spencer raised her head up again to meet Ashley’s gaze and there was that silence again.

    Sal’s loud bark from the other room shocked the blonde out of the moment and made the blonde completely aware of her increasingly awkward situation again.

    “So, um, I’m just gonna go. Yeah…” Spencer said, walking towards the doorway, not allowing her eyes to meet Ashley’s again.



    “The suitcase?”


    The blonde turned around, grabbed her suitcase from the corner and quickly ran out of the room, only taking time to yell a “Thanks!” to the girl behind her as she retreated to her bedroom as fast as humanly possible.

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    1. and so the flirtatious banter begins. good stuff! Hey Cardinal! I look forward to reading more of this whenever it is you plan to post next – I’m enjoying it muchly. Will be interesting to see how their relationship blossoms when they’re both apparently straight and in the company of the respective partners. I see fun times ahead! more please! Jx

    2. and so the flirtatious banter begins. good stuff! Hey Cardinal! I look forward to reading more of this whenever it is you plan to post next – I’m enjoying it muchly. Will be interesting to see how their relationship blossoms when they’re both apparently straight and in the company of the respective partners. I see fun times ahead! more please! Jx

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