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    Time Doesn’t Exist. Clocks Exist. – (Chapter: Ch.7: Spencer, Meet Brown Eyes)

    Apparently Ashley was just as distracted as the blonde was, or maybe just clumsy, because with a loud shriek and the sound of rubber slipping off of wood a blob of blue and brown fell back into Spencer’s arms.

    The sound of Ashley’s panting breath was the only thing Spencer could hear as everything else, the boys yelling, the river rushing downstream, was muted by the effect of this girl in her arms, brunette against blonde, tan skin against pale, breasts against back.

    It mustn’t have lasted for more than a few seconds at most, just enough to allow Ashley to catch her breath yet not long enough for the blonde’s liking, but as the brunette slowly extracted herself from her hero’s arms and turned around, Spencer knew she felt something too. She saw the look of surprise and fear and intrigue on the girl in front of her and knowing quite well that her face was a mirror image, automatically knew that even if it was a fraction of what she had felt, Ashley recognized that something had passed between them in that moment.

    As blue eyes searched into brown trying to find an answer to a question she didn’t know how to ask, an involuntarily blink broke the moment. Neither girl knew which one had been the culprit, only that the intensity started to diminish, sounds began to return and life was moving a hundred miles an hour once again.

    There was a barrage of deep male voices all at once, fighting to be heard over the roaring river.

    “Oh my gosh babe are you okay?!?!”

    “Ashley are you alright?!”

    “Do we need to get you to a hospital?”

    “Here, sit down.”

    “No, no, don’t move.”

    Even over the gurgling screams of the water next to them, a shaky and soft voice seemed to carry miles.

    “Guys, I’m fine. Really.”

    Spencer had been standing back from all the action, knowing that if indeed something was wrong with Ashley, her inability to do anything more than breathe at the moment would render her only a hindrance to the situation. Seeing the brunette turn her head away from the fretting men and toward her, she couldn’t make herself meet the brown eyes she was only moments ago swimming in. It was too much, too fast. Sure, she had known this girl interested her, but up until when she felt what it was like to have her in her arms, she could have blamed it on the fact that she had basically no women friends back home or that she was fascinated with her genuine disinterest in career success or corporate life.

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    1. that was an excellent scene, despite the pain of ashley’s injury. this crush spencer has is engulfing her pretty quickly, and i have a feeling its reciprocated, even if just a bit…

    2. Amazing Chapter. I loved it and that whole scene was so wonderfully described, I could picture it in my head. I Cant wait to see what happens next. Post More Soon

    3. Spencer needs to find the balls to comfort Ashley. They both need each other and the longer they don’t address the situation, the longer things will be put on hold. Update soon please. This is an awesome story and you are a great writer.

    4. that was an excellent scene, despite the pain of ashley’s injury. this crush spencer has is engulfing her pretty quickly, and i have a feeling its reciprocated, even if just a bit…

    5. Amazing Chapter. I loved it and that whole scene was so wonderfully described, I could picture it in my head. I Cant wait to see what happens next. Post More Soon

    6. Spencer needs to find the balls to comfort Ashley. They both need each other and the longer they don’t address the situation, the longer things will be put on hold. Update soon please. This is an awesome story and you are a great writer.

    7. I love where this is going and how well you describe Spence’s thoughts and feelings. The tension is palpable, and as a result I salute you! I can’t wait to read more of your amazing words, and look forward to a time when Ash&Spence get a bit closer… God knows it’s nice when things go right for a change! Jx

    8. I love where this is going and how well you describe Spence’s thoughts and feelings. The tension is palpable, and as a result I salute you! I can’t wait to read more of your amazing words, and look forward to a time when Ash&Spence get a bit closer… God knows it’s nice when things go right for a change! Jx

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