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    Time Doesn’t Exist. Clocks Exist. – (Chapter: Ch.7: Spencer, Meet Brown Eyes)

    All these things were true, and she could have and probably would have continued to lie to herself if it wasn’t for that damn fall.

    The blonde felt eyes burning into the top of her head, daring her, begging her to meet them. But she couldn’t. Not until she figured out exactly how far she was willing to take this fascination, this feeling, this…crush? She couldn’t risk everything for something she wasn’t one hundred percent sure of. That was her nature. Assess the situation. Determine your options. Make pro and con lists with success rates of each proposal. Decide on an choice. Plan a course of action. Execute.

    How could she even start that process when every time she was around Ashley she turned into a gooey blonde mess?

    That was something she was going to have to figure out, but not now. Not at this moment. Not here next to some God forsaken river covered in dirt and bitten up by every bug imaginable.

    Do you want to know what the worst thing is? Spencer knew that Ashley was just as scared, if not more, at that moment than she was. She knew the brunette must be terrified and she knew as a good friend, hell, as a good human being, she should be comforting her right now, but she couldn’t and that killed her.

    “Spencer? Spencer?” A booming voice broke her from her thoughts, but it wasn’t the voice she wanted to hear.

    She looked up to see Aiden with his arm around a slouching Ashley, helping her walk back the way they came and Patrick right behind them lugging the raft over his shoulders, looking at her with wondering eyes.

    “Did you hear a word I said?”

    All Spencer could do was shake her head.

    “We decided to cancel the rafting. We’re bringing Ashley back to the cabin…Aiden thinks she might have sprained her ankle or something.”

    And with a barely audible “Oh, okay…” Spencer focused all her mental and physical strength on putting one foot in front of the other and getting herself out of these God damned woods.

    She clammered behind the group, amazingly not caring if she was stepping on some snake or man-eating bug anymore. It might have actually been a nice vacation from the torture she was in right now.

    Staring at the back of Ashley’s head as if it carried all the answers to her problems, she knew the brunette could feel it, as the blonde had so felt her stares earlier. Once, when they were almost out of the woods, Ashley stopped walking, and as a result so did her three companions. Spencer, still with her eyes attached to that hair of brown, saw as she turned her head ever so slightly to the left as if she was going to turn around. It held there, frozen for a minute and then, without another word or action, she jerked her head back to its previous position, shook Aiden’s arm off her, and hobbled the rest of her way to the car alone.

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    1. that was an excellent scene, despite the pain of ashley’s injury. this crush spencer has is engulfing her pretty quickly, and i have a feeling its reciprocated, even if just a bit…

    2. Amazing Chapter. I loved it and that whole scene was so wonderfully described, I could picture it in my head. I Cant wait to see what happens next. Post More Soon

    3. Spencer needs to find the balls to comfort Ashley. They both need each other and the longer they don’t address the situation, the longer things will be put on hold. Update soon please. This is an awesome story and you are a great writer.

    4. that was an excellent scene, despite the pain of ashley’s injury. this crush spencer has is engulfing her pretty quickly, and i have a feeling its reciprocated, even if just a bit…

    5. Amazing Chapter. I loved it and that whole scene was so wonderfully described, I could picture it in my head. I Cant wait to see what happens next. Post More Soon

    6. Spencer needs to find the balls to comfort Ashley. They both need each other and the longer they don’t address the situation, the longer things will be put on hold. Update soon please. This is an awesome story and you are a great writer.

    7. I love where this is going and how well you describe Spence’s thoughts and feelings. The tension is palpable, and as a result I salute you! I can’t wait to read more of your amazing words, and look forward to a time when Ash&Spence get a bit closer… God knows it’s nice when things go right for a change! Jx

    8. I love where this is going and how well you describe Spence’s thoughts and feelings. The tension is palpable, and as a result I salute you! I can’t wait to read more of your amazing words, and look forward to a time when Ash&Spence get a bit closer… God knows it’s nice when things go right for a change! Jx

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