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    Time Doesn’t Exist. Clocks Exist. – (Chapter: Ch.8: Spencer, Meet the Amish)

    I bet Ashley’s breath isn’t like that. I bet its nice. Sweet even. Probably with some sort of fruity or mint scent…

    Stop it.

    Knowing she wasn’t going to get any sleep at this rate, she ever so carefully lifted Patrick’s arm up and extracted herself from his grasp, replacing her form with her pillow. Tip toeing out of the room and towards the kitchen, she couldn’t help but look out back. Noticing immediately that the mug and blanket were gone from their original spot, she looked out toward the lawn chair. Laying there wrapped up in the fleece blanket like a cocoon, Ashley was sound asleep, the top half of her body draped across the chair and the bottom half grazing the patio below her, ice pack still resting on her ankle. The previously filled mug was placed on the ground next to her completely empty.

    Spencer allowed a small smile and a sigh to escape as she took in the adorable sight in front of her. Content that Ashley was no longer shivering and was actually getting some rest, she crept back into the bedroom, removed the pillow from Patrick’s arm, crawled back underneath and suddenly not quite as annoyed with the breath on her neck, fell asleep a while later with the picture of the brunette on that lawn chair looming in her mind.


    The next morning Spencer awoke to find her bed empty and her feet cold. Slipping a pair of socks on and making sure to brush her hair and teeth before leaving the bedroom – who knows who could be out there – she sauntered out into the main part of the cabin to find Patrick donning flowery apron with a skillet in hand. He looked up and smiled at the entry of his girlfriend.


    “Starving actually. Thanks.”

    With a quick toss of his hand the omelet in the pan flipped into the air and landed back in the skillet. A few minutes later, they were sitting at the table with a full course meal in front of them complete with sausage, toast, fruit, pancakes, French toast, and the omelets that Patrick was so skillfully flipping earlier.

    “So…” Spencer began nonchalantly as she picked at her bowl of cantaloupe, “Where are Ashley and Aiden?”


    1. Yes. Finally. The long awaited update from you. Awesome. This is so far the best post ever. I love it and all the awkwardness between Spence and Ash. But Spencer has to realize that the sooner she confronts Ashley about this weirdness, the sooner she can get some Ashley loving. Haha. Post more soon, please? I Really Like This Story. A lot. Updates are always appreciated. Thx. And that whole doll thing was super cute. I loved it.

    2. Yes. Finally. The long awaited update from you. Awesome. This is so far the best post ever. I love it and all the awkwardness between Spence and Ash. But Spencer has to realize that the sooner she confronts Ashley about this weirdness, the sooner she can get some Ashley loving. Haha. Post more soon, please? I Really Like This Story. A lot. Updates are always appreciated. Thx. And that whole doll thing was super cute. I loved it.

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