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    Time Doesn’t Exist. Clocks Exist. – (Chapter: Ch.8: Spencer, Meet the Amish)

    “Oh, her ankle was feeling better so they went out. I’m not sure where.”

    “Oh.” Spencer tried to not show the disappointment in her voice.

    Just when she thought Wanda was taking some time off, here was another awkward silence. Unlike her Wanda’s with Ashley, however, this one was uncomfortable and she had no desire for Patrick to speak again whereas with Ashley, she couldn’t wait to hear her voice.

    They both slowly ate their food and the silence only grew more profound.

    “So…” Patrick broke through, “I thought since they were out, we could take some time for us today. I mean, we haven’t had much of that since we’ve been out here and I feel kind of bad.”

    “Oh, don’t feel bad.”

    No, really. Don’t.

    “No, I do. So today is all about us.”

    Oh, super.

    “Sounds good…” Spencer forced out with a smile.


    Spencer stared out the car window at all the little shops they passed. As much as she loved living in a place as fast paced and energetic as DC, she had to admit that she was enjoying the break and the casual and care free environment of the country. If only her colleagues could see her now all decked out in jeans and a t-shirt riding along a dirt road looking for some Amish shop that all the locals insisted they visit; they would die. They could always count on her to be high fashion and five star with her Armani and Gucci power suits, leather briefcase and BMW. What a difference a few days can make.

    The sound of a car door slamming shook her out of her thoughts and she turned her head around to look at where they had ended up. With Patrick’s magnificent sense of direction it had taken them an hour to find a place that was only a half an hour away from their cabin, but they made it. A small wood shop which looked about the size of their living room stood in front of her. There were a few children’s toys scattered out front and a lonely looking rocking chair on the front porch but other than that and a few cars in the parking lot, the place looked empty.


    1. Yes. Finally. The long awaited update from you. Awesome. This is so far the best post ever. I love it and all the awkwardness between Spence and Ash. But Spencer has to realize that the sooner she confronts Ashley about this weirdness, the sooner she can get some Ashley loving. Haha. Post more soon, please? I Really Like This Story. A lot. Updates are always appreciated. Thx. And that whole doll thing was super cute. I loved it.

    2. Yes. Finally. The long awaited update from you. Awesome. This is so far the best post ever. I love it and all the awkwardness between Spence and Ash. But Spencer has to realize that the sooner she confronts Ashley about this weirdness, the sooner she can get some Ashley loving. Haha. Post more soon, please? I Really Like This Story. A lot. Updates are always appreciated. Thx. And that whole doll thing was super cute. I loved it.

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