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    Time Doesn’t Exist. Clocks Exist. – (Chapter: Ch.8: Spencer, Meet the Amish)

    “I really am sorry. I didn’t mean to run into you like that. I mean, I just wasn’t looking where I was going and I got distracted and I really should have b…hey Spencer?”

    The blonde looked up.


    “This is the point in my rambling where you usually stop me, so I’m not quite sure what to do when you don’t…” came the reply along with a small smile.

    Ah, a joke. Or was it? Spencer didn’t care. It broke the tension and that was enough for her.

    Either way, she let out a tiny, almost inaudible laugh which was matched just as softly by the girl in front of her.

    “It’s fine, really. See? All in one piece.”


    Oh, Wanda. Here you are yet again. At least this time Spencer was prepared for you as she played around with the doll in her hands waiting for Ashley to speak again.

    Her wish was granted.

    “So…I’m sorry.”

    Spencer looked up, and deciding that it was best to play it safe for the moment answered back with a noncommittal, “For what?”

    She could tell that wasn’t the response the brunette wanted as she noticed her fidgeting around with her fingers trying to figure out the right words. Still with her head facing down, she started speaking.

    “You know…for freaking out yesterday like that. I didn’t need to and I don’t even know why I did it. I mean, I just fell. I was probably just in shock or something. I mean, you caught me. That was it, right?”

    With that last word her head pulled up almost as if some power was forcing her to and she didn’t have any choice.

    Although in reality it was probably only a few seconds, it felt like a lifetime for Spencer as she weighed her options. She could either confront Ashley and make her confess that she felt something too or she could go along with the brunette’s story – for now – and give them some time. Being the always reasonable Spencer, she chose option number 2.

    With a slight breath out and a head lifting up to math Ashley’s, she replied.


    At that moment, something passed through the chocolate eyes she was staring into. What was it? Confusion? Relief? Disappointment? Spencer couldn’t tell because as soon as she realized it was there, it had disappeared again.

    “Okay then. Good. Um…I’m just gonna go. Aiden’s probably waiting for me. I was supposed to be heading up to the front.”

    At the mention of his name, the atmosphere changed.

    “Aright. Well, see you later I guess.”

    With those last words and her dropping the doll back on the shelf, the blonde didn’t even wait for Ashley to leave before she bolted towards the back of the store.

    Damnit. It was right there and I let it go.

    Give her time. Give yourself time. Don’t rush this.

    Patrick’s voice interrupted her thoughts as he walked toward her.

    “Babe! Look! It’s real candy! Like home made! Should I get some? Ooh, or should I get one of those games? What about…”

    Back to reality.


    Later on that night when she and Patrick returned from their “day-of-fun” together, Spencer was beat. She was heading towards her room when, passing the couch, she noticed something on it. Placed on the spot where she was sitting when she and Ashley had their talk only a few days ago was one of the Amish dolls Spencer had been admiring earlier with a note.


    Saw you looking at this today and thought you might like it. I’m glad we’re okay.

    I’ll see you in the morning :)


    Spencer was glad no one could see her at that moment because her face was lit up like a Christmas tree. She didn’t think she had smiled that big in a long time and all because of a stupid doll. No, not a stupid doll, a perfect doll. A doll from Ashley.

    Oh, yeah. I’m in trouble.

    Spencer slept on the couch that night and got the best sleep she’s had in weeks.


    1. Yes. Finally. The long awaited update from you. Awesome. This is so far the best post ever. I love it and all the awkwardness between Spence and Ash. But Spencer has to realize that the sooner she confronts Ashley about this weirdness, the sooner she can get some Ashley loving. Haha. Post more soon, please? I Really Like This Story. A lot. Updates are always appreciated. Thx. And that whole doll thing was super cute. I loved it.

    2. Yes. Finally. The long awaited update from you. Awesome. This is so far the best post ever. I love it and all the awkwardness between Spence and Ash. But Spencer has to realize that the sooner she confronts Ashley about this weirdness, the sooner she can get some Ashley loving. Haha. Post more soon, please? I Really Like This Story. A lot. Updates are always appreciated. Thx. And that whole doll thing was super cute. I loved it.

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