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    Time Doesn’t Exist. Clocks Exist. – (Chapter: Ch.9: Spencer, Meet Other Spencer)

    “Oh, hey guys, I’m sorry I took so long. Couldn’t find anything to wear…” she admitted with a small smile and a shoulder shrug.

    “It’s okay babe,” Patrick replied, “It was worth it, you look great.”

    “Yeah, you do look really nice Spencer. Although not as gorgeous as Ashley here, but then again I am a bit bias,” Aiden chipped in with a smile and wrapping his arms around his girlfriend.

    Spencer followed Aiden’s eyes to the brunette in his hold.

    “Don’t listen to him,” Ashley added, finally meeting the blonde’s gaze, “You look beautiful.”

    Wow. That was the first vaguely affectionate thing Ashley had said since ‘The Incident,’ and she said it in front of both of the guys. Huh. Maybe tonight would be full of even more surprises.


    The car ride over was fairly uneventful. Aiden was driving with Ashley next to him in the passenger seat. Spencer was behind him – which coincidentally gave her a great view of the girl she couldn’t get out of her head – and Patrick was next to the blonde, clinging onto her hand as if it were gold.

    The boys were deep in conversation, or rather debate, about which football team deserved to win the Big East this year. Patrick insisted on maintaining a grip on her hand, however, even when he kept using both of his to emphasize his point, therefore waving hers in the air as well. Spencer didn’t know whether it was the effects of the country or the recent events that were causing her to become soft, but she just didn’t have the heart to pull her hand away from his.

    She must have looked like an idiot, sitting there, every few seconds her hand flying sporadically in the air as if it were acting solely on its own accord. Apparently Ashley thought so too because during one of Patrick and Aiden’s more intense arguments and Spencer’s arm was flying up and down every few seconds, the blonde caught Ashley’s gaze in the mirror and for once, the brunette didn’t turn away. Instead, her mouth slowly formed into a huge smile and even though Spencer didn’t think it was physically possible, she swore that Ashley’s eyes were literally laughing. After a moment of confusion, Spencer couldn’t help but give a huge smile that matched the one in the reflection.


    1. YOU’RE GOD DAMN RIGHT YOU FOLLOW HER!! GAH! GO SPENCER! RUN LIKE THE WIND! GO GET THE GIRL OF YOUR DREAMS! cmon now! i agree with bannerman. i want more. NOW! pweaaase? its just SO good i cant possibly stop reading nowww :-(

    2. Of course you should follow her. This story is fantastic. I like how both Spencer and Ashley are experiencing these new feelings and how they are figuring everything out together. PMS!

    3. Nice. Great update. And if Spencer doesn’t follow Ashley I will be MAJORLY pissed. :] Please be forewarned of things to come if it doesn’t happened. (I’m not gonna be pissed at you tho, I’ll be pissed at Spencer.) Thx in advance for updating. You ARE going to update, right? Because you had betterrr! :] Love it.

    4. YOU’RE GOD DAMN RIGHT YOU FOLLOW HER!! GAH! GO SPENCER! RUN LIKE THE WIND! GO GET THE GIRL OF YOUR DREAMS! cmon now! i agree with bannerman. i want more. NOW! pweaaase? its just SO good i cant possibly stop reading nowww :-(

    5. Of course you should follow her. This story is fantastic. I like how both Spencer and Ashley are experiencing these new feelings and how they are figuring everything out together. PMS!

    6. Nice. Great update. And if Spencer doesn’t follow Ashley I will be MAJORLY pissed. :] Please be forewarned of things to come if it doesn’t happened. (I’m not gonna be pissed at you tho, I’ll be pissed at Spencer.) Thx in advance for updating. You ARE going to update, right? Because you had betterrr! :] Love it.

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