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    Time Doesn’t Exist. Clocks Exist. – (Chapter: Ch.9: Spencer, Meet Other Spencer)

    Internally Spencer let out a huge sigh of relief that things were returning back to normal with Ashley. She had missed their talks, their interactions, their glances that held a few seconds too long, and even though she didn’t know where things were leading to, anything had to be better than the awkwardness that had existed between them these past few days.


    The first thing the group did when they arrived to the club was head straight to the bar. Onlookers could have easily mistaken them for a group of eager underage drinkers instead of the professional twenty-something’s they really were, but they could have cared less. At last, they all had a drink in their hands and things seemed to be right in the world once again.

    “You want to dance?”

    Spencer turned toward the voice that she could barely hear over the pounding music and had to hide her disappointment when she saw the person those words had escaped from.

    “Sure, why not?”

    Patrick set their drinks down on the bar and grabbed her hand, leading them out onto the dance floor. Spencer couldn’t deny that even for a six foot two muscular man, Patrick was a great dancer. As his arms wrapped around her and they fell into the rhythm of the music, swaying back and forth, Spencer noticed more than a few pairs of female eyes glaring at her in jealously.

    ‘You can have him,” Spencer wanted to say. “He’s all yours!” But she couldn’t. Rather, she continued to let herself be lead by him, the music, and the alcohol coursing through her body into a state of relaxation.

    Sometime later she saw Aiden and Ashley step out onto another part of the dance floor, seemingly being gobbled up by the crowds. As much as she wanted to, she forced herself not to stare at them, knowing full well that if she did the only result would be her getting angry. Every few minutes she did sneak a peak, however. Hey – She’s human!

    Spencer felt hot breath on her ear.

    “Hey,” Patrick yelled over the noise and holding his lit up cell phone, “My brother’s calling me. I gotta take this. You gonna be okay?”


    1. YOU’RE GOD DAMN RIGHT YOU FOLLOW HER!! GAH! GO SPENCER! RUN LIKE THE WIND! GO GET THE GIRL OF YOUR DREAMS! cmon now! i agree with bannerman. i want more. NOW! pweaaase? its just SO good i cant possibly stop reading nowww :-(

    2. Of course you should follow her. This story is fantastic. I like how both Spencer and Ashley are experiencing these new feelings and how they are figuring everything out together. PMS!

    3. Nice. Great update. And if Spencer doesn’t follow Ashley I will be MAJORLY pissed. :] Please be forewarned of things to come if it doesn’t happened. (I’m not gonna be pissed at you tho, I’ll be pissed at Spencer.) Thx in advance for updating. You ARE going to update, right? Because you had betterrr! :] Love it.

    4. YOU’RE GOD DAMN RIGHT YOU FOLLOW HER!! GAH! GO SPENCER! RUN LIKE THE WIND! GO GET THE GIRL OF YOUR DREAMS! cmon now! i agree with bannerman. i want more. NOW! pweaaase? its just SO good i cant possibly stop reading nowww :-(

    5. Of course you should follow her. This story is fantastic. I like how both Spencer and Ashley are experiencing these new feelings and how they are figuring everything out together. PMS!

    6. Nice. Great update. And if Spencer doesn’t follow Ashley I will be MAJORLY pissed. :] Please be forewarned of things to come if it doesn’t happened. (I’m not gonna be pissed at you tho, I’ll be pissed at Spencer.) Thx in advance for updating. You ARE going to update, right? Because you had betterrr! :] Love it.

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