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    Time Doesn’t Exist. Clocks Exist. – (Chapter: Ch.9: Spencer, Meet Other Spencer)

    With every beat of the music, the girls became more and more adventurous. Ashley’s fingers began tracing shapes on the available flesh of Spencer’s back. The blonde gradually inched her way forward with the rhythm until she felt their legs intertwined. They could no longer tell whose legs were whose, whose hands were whose, whose heart was whose. Spencer took the next step and turned around in Ashley’s arms, relishing in the feeling of breasts against her back, only separated by a few thin layers of fabric. She had no idea she could be so turned on by something as simple as a dance. But this dance wasn’t simple – it was complicated and intense and passionate and everything it needed to be.

    She could feel Ashley’s breath on her neck and she was right in her previous suspicions – it wasn’t sticky or gross, it was warm and sweet. God, she didn’t know how much longer she could take this teasing, tantalizing game. Spencer needed something more, and if she was reading Ashley’s moves correctly, so did she.

    For once, just do it. Just act. Don’t think. Don’t analyze. Just go.

    Spencer, never loosing her step with the sync of the music, turned herself around again and placed one hand over Ashley’s shoulder’s, combing through the underside of her hair, and gently settling the other on the brunette’s waist, holding firm and assured.

    Suddenly, the two were no longer dancing. People were moving all around them and they were standing there, embraced in each others arms, eyes locked.

    Panting and out of breath, partially because of the activeness of the dancing and partially because that’s just how she became around Ashley, Spencer knew she had to make a move. She knew the ball was in her court. If they were to move past whatever torturingly flirtatious tango they were in, it had to be initiated by her.

    Spencer leaned forward excruciatingly slow until her lips reached an available ear.  The music still pounding in the background, Spencer had to raise her voice to be heard.

    “Ash-” The music stopped and a harsh, loud voice came through the speakers.

    "Alright ladies and gentlemen, we’re gonna slow things down here a little bit, give you a chance to cool off and catch your breath.”

    As an R&B song emerged from above, the moment was broken. The confidence and readiness that was screaming from Ashley only moments ago was gone, now replaced by an awareness of reality and the situation and position they were in.

    A second passed. Then another.

    Then Spencer heard the tear-choked words that held her heart in their hands and broke it in two.

    “I’m sorry, Spence. I can’t.”

    And with that, Ashley was gone. Spencer was stunned and could only watch as that brunette head she had memorized bobbed through the crowds, making a straight dash for the bathroom.

    Floored with the turn of events that had transpired in the last 10 seconds, a million thoughts were racing through her head, all of which ended up at one question:

    Do I follow her?


    1. YOU’RE GOD DAMN RIGHT YOU FOLLOW HER!! GAH! GO SPENCER! RUN LIKE THE WIND! GO GET THE GIRL OF YOUR DREAMS! cmon now! i agree with bannerman. i want more. NOW! pweaaase? its just SO good i cant possibly stop reading nowww :-(

    2. Of course you should follow her. This story is fantastic. I like how both Spencer and Ashley are experiencing these new feelings and how they are figuring everything out together. PMS!

    3. Nice. Great update. And if Spencer doesn’t follow Ashley I will be MAJORLY pissed. :] Please be forewarned of things to come if it doesn’t happened. (I’m not gonna be pissed at you tho, I’ll be pissed at Spencer.) Thx in advance for updating. You ARE going to update, right? Because you had betterrr! :] Love it.

    4. YOU’RE GOD DAMN RIGHT YOU FOLLOW HER!! GAH! GO SPENCER! RUN LIKE THE WIND! GO GET THE GIRL OF YOUR DREAMS! cmon now! i agree with bannerman. i want more. NOW! pweaaase? its just SO good i cant possibly stop reading nowww :-(

    5. Of course you should follow her. This story is fantastic. I like how both Spencer and Ashley are experiencing these new feelings and how they are figuring everything out together. PMS!

    6. Nice. Great update. And if Spencer doesn’t follow Ashley I will be MAJORLY pissed. :] Please be forewarned of things to come if it doesn’t happened. (I’m not gonna be pissed at you tho, I’ll be pissed at Spencer.) Thx in advance for updating. You ARE going to update, right? Because you had betterrr! :] Love it.

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