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    to hell we ride – (Chapter: it’s easier to run)

     Ashley awoke in the similar surrounding that was her bedroom. she rolled over and was startled to hear a loud yelp.

    "oh my god, i am so sorry Spence.. i didn’t mean too, i…i just.."

    To this Spencer looked slightly confused as Ashley had never been one to be lost for words.This worried her immensley.

    "it’s ok.i’m ok. you just kinda crushed me for a second is all"spencer stated with a weak smile.

    Ashley just stared blankly into spencer’s eyes and then quickly jumped off the bed.

    "i’m gonna get breakfast. you can stay here and take a shower or whatever. i’ll be back soon."

    "ash…" spencer began but Ashley was already gone.

    Ashley got in the car and sped off. She pulled into a starbucks and turned the ignition off while staring into space. she couldn’t believe this was happening and she had no idea what she was felling but by far the worst thing was that she was pushing Spencer away and she knew it.

    Spencer had taken a long shower and was busying herself looking around the rest of the Davies mansion when the phone rang.

    she quickly awnsered.

    "hello is this miss Davies" asked a polite voice.

    "no, but i can take a message, who is this" she replied curiously.

    "This is Dr.Corwin. i have some information on Mrs. davies condition and would like to speak with her daughter. if you tell her to phone the hospital that would helpful"

    "of course. thank you" with this she hung up and went to call Ashley.She had a horrible feeling about this.




    1. Huh. Sounds intersting. Please continue. :) PMS as soon as possible. xoxoxo Love. I’ll be waiting for your next update. I want to know what happens.

    2. Babygirl that was wonderful update. Damn i wonder what is going on with ashelys mom. You know i`m your biggest fan. I love your story. Ashely needs not to push spencer away. PMS

    3. Huh. Sounds intersting. Please continue. :) PMS as soon as possible. xoxoxo Love. I’ll be waiting for your next update. I want to know what happens.

    4. Babygirl that was wonderful update. Damn i wonder what is going on with ashelys mom. You know i`m your biggest fan. I love your story. Ashely needs not to push spencer away. PMS

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