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    Tombstone – (Chapter: I know it’s been a while [Chapter 1])

    Everyone that was involved in the King High shooting was taken care of, and Boz was the only one caught, well he basically gave himself in, he too the blame, he distracted the police while Sean ran hard. One of the crew, JC, was killed, but that was it. But he died a hero. Anyway, so yeah a lot of help and revenge is sweet I must say. But no matter what you’re still gone.

    Glen thought about starting those drugs again when you died, but we were here for him. Mom, Dad, and I, we controlled him and he is completely cured now. He is actually a lot nicer to me and well everyone is general. He is in the army right now but before he left he met a really nice girl, her name is Jessica. And I must say she is hot.

    Yes I’m still confused as mom might say. Ha ha. Dad has been taking his job a lot more serious. Staying late nights and really helping people with their problems. A part of me thinks it’s because he doesn’t want to be home, because it reminds him of you but another part of me is saying that he is doing it because he doesn’t want this to happen to any other family.

    Mom, has changed, she has been there more for me and Glen, and I don’t know why. She has pretty much changed completely except for the fact of my sexual orientation. But that’s fine, I actually want someone against it, that way it makes it seem a little dirty, I’m not as innocent as I was before. God, I wish you could see me now.

    Madison, well, she’s changed her obsession, when she said Aiden wasn’t in love with Kyla, she was right, well anyway, Madison is after Glen, I mean when he said he was going to join the army, and apparently she finds that hot, obsessingly hot. She has been trying to break up Glen and Jessica but has failed horribly many times, and well maybe Glen has actually found the one.

    And speaking of love, I guess you want to find out what’s with me, Ashley, Aiden, and Kyla. Well its very complex and stuff and a long story but you’re not going anywhere huh. I’m sorry Clay, I know you and dad thought I was just so strong but with you not here I can’t help it. Anyway, Oh crap there she is, and she’s waiting for me, exactly on time, at least she’s precise. I guess I’ll finish this tomorrow with you, I promise to show up and finish this little update.

    Well I guess she does love me, she’s coming her to make sure I’m alright but I don’t want her to see me like this so I will definitely come tomorrow bro I love you.

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