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    Tombstone – (Chapter: Memories I [Chapter 2])

    Then just decide!” I scream out with all my energy. I just want her to decide, I need to know if this, if us, is going to work forever or if it is just a substitute for what she used to have with Aiden.

    Gun!” I hear someone scream, it sounds like Boz. Then everything seems to go in slow motion, I can see the first shot being fired and it’s heading towards Boz, and I look over at Ashley and then I hear more shots being fired. I can practically see the bullets leaving the barrels of the guns and I see them all scatter in different direction, one even whizzing close by me. I look at Ashley once more and see she’s so scared she’s not reacting at all, I get ready to leap onto her to protect her from the bullets when…

    Aiden” she screams and then I just freeze. Thinking she has just chosen between her girlfriend and her best friend love and she ahs chosen the best friend. And even if that wasn’t exactly saying she was choosing him apparently his safety mattered more to her than my own.

    Next thing I know I being jumped over and being pushed to the ground as Aiden jumps over me and Ashley, but right before I hit the ground I feel a pain in my calf, next thing I know I feel numb and tired and everything goes black.

    I can’t cry, there is no way I’m crying over it again no, “Well, I guess you want to know what happens when I wake up.”

    I wake up and see a very beautiful brunette sitting beside me, she is looking at her shoes as if she takes her eyes off of them they might run away and she has my hand in between both of hers. With her head down I see the wall and realize it white, which means we aren’t in my room and just the fact that I can see the walls confirms that it isn’t her room. You know with all the posters she has up in her room and then I start to worry, where the hell am I?

    Where am I?” The brunette looks at me and I can see she’s been crying, oh she looks so vulnerable right now, she also looks like she hasn’t slept in days, and then she open her mouth I assume to say something but then closes it again, and does this a couple more times before it starts to get on my nerves and then she clears her throat and I know she I ready to talk.

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