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    Tombstone – (Chapter: Memories I [Chapter 2])

    You’re in the hospital Spencer” Then I start to worry, she hasn’t said my complete first name since we’ve been together, always Spencer, or the occasional baby, sweet heart, love, honey, anything really but Spencer?

    I look deep into her eyes to see why she has been crying and why she just called me Spencer, and I can see there is something wrong, it looks like guilt, she feels like she has done something horribly wrong or is about to and is regretting it.

    Baby, are you okay?” I ask her worried, and she just nods as a response. I can tell she is not okay, what if she feels guilty that I’m in the hospital and she is blaming herself well I can’t let her think that.

    But then it comes to me, moment before I completely blanked out she had to decide who she loved, and as I can recall she had said Aiden. I think to myself and put everything together all the pieces to remember exactly why I’m here. Everything comes back to me piece by piece as I put it all together. First thing I remember is Ashley looking very hot and me wanting her right then and there and next thing I know Aiden says he loves Ashley and then she takes me out my daze as she speaks.

    Spencer, we need to talk.”

    Get out!” I yell at her, she looks at me confused, probably because I’ve never yelled at her like that and then I can tell she knows why I have just kicked her out, and instead of telling me that its not true or something telling me what I assume is not true all she says is a simple…

    Sorry” and she breaks down, I want to comfort her but I can’t I now know I am not hers and she is not mine so right now I have the power to not care anymore about her or her problems. When were together I would take on her problems but now Aiden can do that.

    Spencer, you don’t understand I’m doing this for us.” I look at her completely confused.

    What do you mean for us? I don’t know how getting back with your ex is going to help us, can u please enlighten me, and tell me how the fuck is you getting together with Aiden going to fucking help us, because all I can see right now is it is breaking us up and the last time I checked breaking up is taking a step backwards from being girlfriend and girlfriend.” I yelled so loud my mom walked in and wondered what was going on, she saw Ashley there head down crying and my face burning red and she looked at me and I looked at her and she mouthed if I was okay and I nodded and she left the room.

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