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    Tombstone – (Chapter: Memories I [Chapter 2])

    Spencer, when you asked me to decide, I was going to choose you, because I love you and only you, but well Aiden was shot too and I went to go see him yesterday and he told me just to give him a chance and well, I told him okay but only to prove that I am in fact in love with you, so can we just be friends for now.” I looked at her confused because Aiden had saved Ashley’s and my life apparently and I couldn’t be mad at Aiden he saved the love of my life’s live and now I knew what she had just said made sense. It was out of pity and to make sure of her feelings, but what if she actually found out she wasn’t 100 in this. Or maybe she is lying to me right now.

    Ashley, Ash” I saw a smile creep on her face.

    I’m sorry, I can’t” And I saw her die inside, I saw her beautiful chocolate eyes lose their color, I saw her smile turn into the saddest frown ever, I saw my baby literally die. And the fact that I had just caused it killed me inside. It’s not what I had meant to say but it just came out this way, my mind was taking control of my heart at the moment, I guess I was saving myself for more pain later when she realized she was still in love with Aiden, I mean I have the seen the secret glances, their history, I can’t go up against that, I don’t even stand a chance.

    Ash, I didn’t mean it like that” God I hated myself that I had said that

    Then what the fuck did you mean” I saw her at her most vulnerable, her walls were completely down but not because she was going to let me in, but because she was going to go all out, she was going to let out everything, and then just close up again, like a volcano she was about to explode, and then…

    I can hear a honking of a horn and I look around to see her in the car. I look at my watch and realize that she is exactly on time, god how she has changed for me, I really do love her.

    “Well bro, until tomorrow.”

    ”I love you”

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