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    Tombstone – (Chapter: The Diary [Chapter 3])

    “So I guess I should finish telling you what happened.” God it’s just so hard to remember such pain, ahh, but it’s for Clay, he would do the same for me, well if he was gay and had some relationship problems.

    She was about to explode and then she just got on her knees and begged.

    Please Spencer don’t do this to me, I’ll tell Aiden no, just don’t tell me we can’t do this, I’ll go over right now and just tell him that I can’t do this because I’m already madly in love with Spencer.”

    I looked at her and she was actually begging, but I couldn’t I know she still had feelings for him, me just ignoring them would make it worse for us in the future. I get out of my bed and go down with her and give her a big hug and think of how I can word this without hurting her more than she has already been hurt.

    Ashley, just the fact that you didn’t say no to him as soon as he asked you makes me think you still have feelings for him, and you have to go for it, because in the end I don’t want you to regret your decision.” I look at her and just give her a quick peck on the lips, a good-bye kiss, the last kiss we will ever share, it had to be quick, but loving at the same time, and she just touches her lips and starts crying, I get up and back on my bed and she just sobs on the floor.

    No Spencer” She yells, “I don’t want this to be good-bye.”

    Ashley you said good-bye first” My eyes start to tear, why am I doing this, I should be happy she has just chosen me, but no, she should’ve said that right then and there, not after I’ve been shot and after she said she would go out with Aiden.

    No Spencer, please, another chance, please, don’t say good-bye” I look at her with saddened eyes and I just turn away from her and start crying.

    Spencer look at me” She whispers and I ignore her as hard as I can.

    Spencer look at me” She said a little higher this time

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