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    Tombstone – (Chapter: The Diary [Chapter 3])

    Spencer look at me” She screamed and grabbed my two shoulders and turned me towards her

    She looked at me and saw the fear in my eyes, she stepped back and mouthed a sorry to me. I just continued to cry and she came up to me and kissed me so passionately I was just so lost in the kiss I didn’t even realize that she ended it.

    She looked at me with so much fire in her eyes, she was going to make sure she wasn’t going to lose me.

    Tell me you don’t love me and I’ll leave you alone.” I looked at her confused, I never said I didn’t love her, never not once.

    Ashley I never said I didn’t love you, I love you with all my heart, without you I wouldn’t be happy, but that’s because I thought you were happy with me, the only reason I would be happy knowing that you are happy with me, but you’re not if u never figure out your feelings for Aiden.” I look at her and she understands, and now she is regretting ever telling Aiden that he would give him a chance.

    So, no matter what we wont end up together.” I look at her and I don’t know how to answer that.

    Maybe in the future, when we’ve both experienced it all and we’ve both realized that we need each other, well when you realize you need me anyway.” I look at her and she just runs out of the room. And now I feel it, the consequences of losing Ashley. God does it hurt, I feel like someone took my heart and just cracked it into a million pieces then took each one of those pieces and destroyed it into a million more pieces.

    Well I left the hospital about a week later, and didn’t hear from Ashley, but from outside sources I found out that she did go out on a date with Aiden. And that they went out on a second date, and a third and a fourth, that week I was in the hospital. I left the hospital but not before one of the nurses said they were holding a letter for me for about a week now and had to give it to when I left. I took the letter and opened it and read it.

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