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    Tombstone – (Chapter: The Diary [Chapter 3])

    Dear Spencer,

    I want you to know, although we are not together, I love you and I always will. No matter what I do, or what you do, I will never stop loving you, never, and I will go on that date with Aiden, but I will be thinking about you the whole time, and I wont do anything I will regret. Spencer, I have waited for you before and I will wait for you for a lifetime, and the prize is always worth the wait.




    I read it and smiled, knowing that those four dates she had with Aiden, she was thinking about me the whole time. Well I hoped she was. Then about a week and 5 more dates for the new couple, I started to doubt she still cared about me, I mean she was with Aiden, apparently they clicked better than I thought. But I was surprised that night.

    The doorbell rang, and I thought who could have come back home so early, I mean mom and dad went out to dinner together to rekindle their love while Glen is always out and Clay is well not with us anymore. I’m home alone and a little freaked out that someone is ringing the doorbell. I head downstairs and open the door and Ashley is standing there, crying.

    It broke my heart all over again, seeing the love of my life crying, I opened my arms and she walked over to me and I gave her the biggest hug I could to let her know it was all going to be all right. I led her upstairs to my room and opened the cover for her, I took off her shirt and her jeans, and she got under the covers, I did the same so that we were both in just bra’s and panties and I laid down next to her under the covers and just held her close.

    I kissed her lips, and god did it feel so good after two weeks to finally kiss her. She responded by kissing me back, and then she started playing with my breasts. Just cupping them and squeezing them and I let out a moan.

    Apparently that was a sign for her to keep going, she then started touching my abs, and it just gave me shivers, she reached out behind me and unhooked my bra and put my nipple into her mouth. She knew exactly how to please me, she has known since the first time we had done this. She takes two fingers and inserts them in me, and she thrusts in and out, my panties are sort of in the way, so I stop her, and take off my panties before taking her hand and bringing it back down to my wetness.

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